
is a Professor in Computing
Science at the University of Stirling,
Scotland. She received BSc and MSc degrees
in Computer Science from University Simon
Bolivar, Venezuela and a PhD from University of
Sussex, UK. She worked in industry for 5
years before joining academia, and has held
faculty and research positions at the University
Simon Bolivar, Venezuela and the University of
Nottingham, UK. Her research interests lie
in the foundations and application of
evolutionary algorithms and heuristic search
methods, with emphasis on autonomous search,
hyper-heuristics, fitness landscape analysis,
and applications to combinatorial optimisation,
healthcare, and software engineering. She has
published over 120 scholarly papers and serves
various program committees. She has been
associate editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,
and the Evolutionary
Computation Journal (MIT Press); and is a
member of the Editorial Board for Genetic
Programming and Evolvable Machines. She
proposed the he first Cross-domain Heuristic
Search Challenge (CHeSC
2011), has served as organiser and/or
program chair for EvoCOP
2014, EvoCOP
2015, FOGA
2015, PPSN
2016, and served as the
Editor-in-Chief for GECCO
Editorial Roles
Conference Organisation
- Website:
Our goal is to develop and establish a set of
methodologies, visualisation techniques and metrics
to thoroughly characterise and exploit the structure
of computational search spaces. This website intends
to be a unified resource space offering a new
perspective to understand problem structure and
improve heuristic search algorithms.
Keynote Talks (TBC)
Paper Awards, Nominations and Selected Conference
- G. Ochoa, N. Veerapen, F. Daolio, M. Tomassini
Understanding Phase Transitions with Local Optima
Networks: Number Partitioning as a Case Study.
European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in
Combinatorial Optimization, EvoCOP 2017.
LNCS vol. 10197, Springer pp. 233–248. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-55453-2_16
(Best Paper Award).
- F. Chicano, D. Whitley, G. Ochoa, R. Tinos.
One Million Variables NK Landscapes by Hybridizing
Deterministic Recombination and Local Search.
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference,
GECCO 2017:
753-760. [Online]
(Best Paper Nomination).
- G. Ochoa, N. Veerapen (2016) Deconstructing
the Big Valley Search Space Hypothesis. Evolutionary
Computation in Combinatorial Optimization,
Proceedings of the 16th European Conference,
EvoCOP 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer, vol. 9595, pp. 58–73. S DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-30698-8_5
[dataset] [Poster]
(Best Paper Award).
- G. Ochoa, F. Chicano, R. Tinos and D.
Whitley. Tunnelling
Crossover Networks. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference (GECCO-2015), ACM, pp 449-456. [bib
entry] (Best
Paper nomination).
- G. Ochoa, M. R. Hyde, et al. (2012) HyFlex:
A Benchmark Framework for Cross-Domain Heuristic
Search. European
Conference on Evolutionary Computation in
Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP 2012),
LNCS, Vol. 7245, Springer, pp. 136-147.
- G. Ochoa, M. Tomassini, S. Verel, C. Darabos
(2008) A
Study of NK Landscapes' Basins and Local Optima
Networks. Proceedings of Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-08), ACM,
pp. 555-562. (Best Paper Nomination).
- G. Ochoa, K. Jaffe (2006) Assortative
Mating Drastically Alters the Magnitude of Error
Thresholds. Parallel Problem Solving from
Nature (PPSN IX), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 4193, pp 890-899,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.(Best Paper Award).
- G. Escuela, G. Ochoa, N. Krasnogor. (2005) Evolving
L-Systems to Capture Protein Structure Native
Conformations. 8th European Conference on
Genetic Programming (EuroGP 2005), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 3447, pp
73-83,Springer-Verlag, Berlin.(Best Paper
- G. Ochoa, I. Harvey, H. Buxton (1999) On
Recombination and Optimal Mutation Rates. Proceedings of Genetic
and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-99),
pp 488-495, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA.
- G. Ochoa (1998) On
Genetic Algorithms and Lindenmayer Systems.
Parallel Problem Solving From Nature (PPSN V),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1498, pp 335-344,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Co-authorship Networks
Introduction to
Lindenmayer Systems |
HyFlex and the
Cross-Domain Competition |
Journal Papers
- A. Mavragani, G. Ochoa (2018) Internet
and the Anti-Vaccine Movement: Tracking the 2017
EU Measles Outbreak. Big Data and
Cognitive Computing. Special issue on Health
Assessment in the Big Data Era. Published online
13 January 2018 [Online]
- G. Ochoa, N. Veerapen. Mapping the
global structure of TSP fitness landscapes. Journal
of Heuristics, published online 29 May 2017. DOI:10.1007/s10732-017-9334-0
- S. Herrmann G. Ochoa, F. Rothlauf. PageRank
centrality for performance prediction: the impact
of the local optima network model. Journal
of Heuristics, published online 12 May 2017. DOI:10.1007/s10732-017-9333-1
- J. A. Soria-Alcaraz, G. Ochoa, M. A.
Sotelo-Figeroa, E. K. Burke (2017) A
methodology for determining an effective subset of
heuristics in selection hyper-heuristics,
European Journal of Operational Research.
260(3): 972–983 [Online]
- I. K. Paterson, A.S. Hoyle G. Ochoa, C.
Baker-Austin and N.G.H. Taylor (2016) Optimising
Antibiotic Usage to Treat Bacterial Infections.
Nature Scientific Reports, 6, 37853; doi:
10.1038/srep37853 [Online]
- A. Sosa-Ascencio, G. Ochoa, H. Terashima-Marin,
and S. E Conant-Pablos (2016) Grammar-Based
Generation of Variable-Selection Heuristics for
Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Genetic
Programming and Evolvable Machines, 17(2):
119-144. [Online
- N. Veerapen, G. Ochoa, M. Harman and E. Burke
(2015) An
Integer Linear Programming Approach to the Single
and Bi-Objective Next Release Problem.
Information and Software Technology, Elsevier.
Volume 65, September 2015, Pages 1–13 [Online
- D. Whitley, A. Sutton, G. Ochoa, F. Chicano
(2014) The
Component Model for Elementary Landscapes and
Partial Neighborhoods, Theoretical
Computer Science (Special Issue: Theory of
Evolutionary Algorithms).545: 59-75 (2014). [Online
version] [bib
- J.A Soria-Alcaraz, G. Ochoa, J. Swan,
M. Carpio, H. Puga , E.K. Burke (2014) Effective
Learning Hyper-heuristics for the Course
Timetabling Problem. European Journal of
Operational Research. 238(1): 77-86 [Online
version] [bib
- E. López-Camacho, H. Terashima-Marin, P. Ross, G.
Ochoa (2014) A Unified
Hyper-heuristic Framework for Solving Bin Packing
Expert Systems with Applications. 41(15):
6876-6889 [Online
version] [bib
- G.L. Pappa, G. Ochoa, M.R. Hyde, A.A. Freitas, J.
Woodward, J. Swan (2014) Contrasting
meta-learning and hyper-heuristic research: the
role of evolutionary algorithms, Genetic
Programming and Evolvable Machines. 15(1):
version] [bib
- G. Ochoa, M. Villasana (2013) Population-based
optimization of cytostatic/cytotoxic combination
cancer chemotherapy, Soft Computing.
Vol 17, No. 6, pp. 913-924. [Online
version] [bib
- E. K. Burke, M. Gendreau, M. Hyde, G. Kendall, G.
Ochoa, E. Ozcan and R. Qu (2013) Hyper-heuristics:
A Survey of the State of the Art, Journal
of the Operational Research Society. 206(1):
241-264 [Online
version] [bib entry]
- E. López-Camacho, G. Ochoa, H.
Terashima-Marin, E. K. Burke (2013) An
Effective Heuristic for the Two-dimensional
Irregular Bin Packing Problem, Annals of Operations
Research Vol. 206, Issue 1, pp.
version] [bib
entry] [Source
code (Java)] [Instance data: Set 1, Set 2]
- E. López-Camacho, H. Terashima-Marín, G. Ochoa,
and S. E. Conant-Pablos (2013) Understanding the
structure of bin packing problems through
principal component analysis. International
Journal of Production Economics Vol.
145, No. 2, pp. 488-499. Special Issue on Cutting
and Packing. [Description of the concave
shape instance generator][Online
- J. Swan, G. Ochoa, G. Kendall, M. Edjvet
(2012) Fitness
Landscapes and the Andrew-Curtis Conjecture,
Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 2,
No. 22, pp. 125009 (13 pages)
- S. Verel, G. Ochoa, M. Tomassini (2011) Local Optima
Networks of NK Landscapes with Neutrality, IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation,Vol 15, No. 6, pp.
783-797. link
to IEEXplore.
- F. Daolio, M. Tomassini, S. Verel, G. Ochoa (2011)
of Minima in Local Optima Networks of
Combinatorial Spaces, Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 390,
pp. 1684-1694.
- J. A. Vazquez-Rodriguez, G. Ochoa (2011) On the Automatic
Discovery of Variants of the NEH Procedure for
Flowshop Scheduling Using Genetic Programming,
Journal of the
Operations Research Society, 62(2), pp.
381-396, link
to Journal.
- M. Villasana, G. Ochoa, S. Aguilar (2010) Modeling and
Optimization of Combined Cytostatic and Cytotoxic
Chemotherapy, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol.
50, pp. 163 - 173.
- E. Özcan, M. Mısır, G. Ochoa, E. K. Burke (2010).
A Reinforcement
Learning - Great-Deluge Hyper-heuristic for
Examination Timetabling, International Journal
of Applied Metaheuristic Computing (IJAMC),
1:1, pp 39-59.
- M. Tomassini, S. Verel, G. Ochoa (2008) Complex-Network
Analysis of Combinatorial Spaces: The NK landscape
case, Physical
Review E, Vol.78, No.6. ( link
to journal)
- G. Ochoa, M. Villasana, and E. K. Burke (2007) An
Evolutionary Approach to Cancer Chemotherapy
Scheduling, Genetic
Programming and Evolvable Machines Journal,
8:4, Springer, pp 301-318.
- G. Ochoa (2006) Error
Thresholds in Genetic Algorithms. Evolutionary
Computation Journal, 14:2, pp
157-182, MIT Press.
- M. Villasana, G. Ochoa (2004) Heuristic Design
of Cancer Quemotherapies. IEEE Transactions on
Evolutionary Computation, 8:6, pp 513-521.
- G. Ochoa, K. Jaffe (1999) On Sex, Parasites,
and the Red Queen. Journal of Theoretical
Biology, 199, pp 1-9.
Edited Volumes
- Julia Handl, Emma Hart, Peter R. Lewis, Manuel
López-Ibáńez, Gabriela Ochoa, Ben Paechter:
Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN XIV - 14th
International Conference, Edinburgh, UK, September
17-21, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 9921, Springer 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-45822-9
- G. Ochoa, F. Chicano (2015) Evolutionary
Computation in Combinatorial Optimization -
15th European Conference, EvoCOP 2015, Copenhagen,
Denmark, April 8-10, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 9026, Springer 2015. ISBN
978-3-319-16467-0 [Online
- J. He, T. Jansen, G. Ochoa, C. Zarges (2015) Proceedings
of the 2015 ACM Conference on Foundations of
Genetic Algorithms XIII, ACM 2015, ISBN
978-1-4503-3434-1 [contents]
- C. Blum, G. Ochoa (2014) Evolutionary
Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation,
14th European Conference, EvoCOP 2014, Granada,
Spain, April 23-25, 2014, Revised Selected Papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8600. ISBN: 978-3-662-44319-4 [Online
- P-I: The Cartography of Computational Search
Spaces. Research
grant funded by The Leverhulme
Trust. March 2106 - February 2018.
- Co-I: Dynamic Adaptive Automated Software
Engineering (DAASE).
Programme grant funded by the Engineering and
Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC),
collaboration with 5 Universities across the UK:
UCL, Queen Mary, Stirling, York and
Birmingham. June 2012 - Marc 2019.
- Co-I: Controlling Antibiotic Resistance in
Aquatic Environments. University of Stirling
IMPACT Research Partnership Studentships. In
collaboration with the governmental agency Cefas
(Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture
Science). October 2013 – September 2017.
Book Chapters
- G. Ochoa, S. Verel, F. Daolio and M. Tomassini
(2014) Local
Optima Networks: A New Model of
Combinatorial Fitness Landscapes, Recent
Advances in the Theory and Application of
Fitness Landscapes. A. Engelbecht and H.
Richter (Eds.), Emergence, Complexity and
Computation, Vol. 6, pp. 233-262. Springer. [online
version] [bib
- G. Ochoa (2011) [in Spanish] Introduccion a
la Computacion Evolutiva y la Morfogenesis
Artificial, Evolution,
Bicentenario del Nacimiento de Charles Darwin,
Editorial Equinoccio.
- E. K. Burke, M. Hyde, G. Kendall, G. Ochoa,
E. Ozcan, and J. Woodward (2010). A Classification
of Hyper-heuristics Approaches, Handbook of
Metaheuristics, International Series
in Operations Research & Management Science, M.
Gendreau and J-Y Potvin (Eds.), Springer,
- E. K. Burke, M. R. Hyde, G. Kendall, G.
Ochoa, E. Ozcan and J. R. Woodward (2009) Exploring
Hyper-heuristic Methodologies with Genetic
Programming, Computational Intelligence: Collaboration, Fusion
and Emergence, In C. Mumford and L. Jain
(eds.), Intelligent Systems Reference Library,
Springer, pp. 177-201.
- G. Ochoa, I. Harvey (1999) Recombination
and Error Thresholds in Finite Populations. Foundations of Genetic
Algorithms 5 (FOGA 5), Edited by Wolfgang
Banzhaf and Colin Reeves, pp 245-264, Morgan
Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA.

Last Update: 12 March 2020.