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Anamorphic Images
An anamorphic image is one where you look at the image in a certain way
(eg from a particular viewpoint or reflected in a mirror) to see the
image as the artist intends. Examples: advertising images painted on
sports pitches that appear to "sit up" and look at the camera; road
signs that are painted very elongated on the road so that drivers see
them more in the correct shape.
Web Pages
Art of Anamorphosis
is a new site with lots of artworks, information, software
The Community Bridge Project
in Frederick, Maryland, near Washington DC,
has a lot of trompe d'oeil features on the bridge, including a
beautiful anamorphic image of an angel.
Paul Bourke's page about anamorphic projections
My MSc project proposal about anamorphic images
Illusionworks has some terrific
pages about anamorphic images, for example these
ones by
Murrayfield, home of Scottish Rugby, has a
on which anamorphic images on the pitch may sometimes be seen