Dynamics of the Vestibular Ocular Reflex
In collaboration with
Prof. Mayank Dutia (Centre for Integrative Physiology, University of Edinburgh),
I have been involved in developing mathematical models of the vestibular ocular
reflex (VOR) to investigate:
- the cellular basis of vestibular compensation, which takes place when the signals
from the inner ear on one side of the head, which drive the reflex circuitry,
are lost (Graham and Dutia, 2001)
- how noise at the synaptic and cellular level can influence the fidelity
of the reflex response to head movements (Hospedales et al, 2008).

References [top]
Graham, B. and Dutia, M. (2001).
Cellular basis of vestibular compensation: analysis and modelling of
the role of the commissural inhibitory system.
Exp. Brain Res., 137:387-396.
Hospedales, T.M., van Rossum, M.C.W., Graham, B.P. and Dutia, M.B.
(2008). Implications for noise and neural heterogeneity for vestibulo-ocular reflex
fidelity. Neural Computation, 20:756-778.