Click on the hypertext links for more details of an individual or a project. See the Communications and Services and Applied Formal Methods research groups for related activities in the Department.
Savi Maharaj
Carron Shankland
Ken Turner
ANISE (Architectural Notions In Service Engineering)
Automatic Transformation from UML to Lotos (Software Engineering Research Institute, Korea)
COST 247 (Verification and Validation Methods for Formal Descriptions)
Conformed (Conformance Of Radiological/Medical Devices, NCC)
Cress (Communication Representation Employing Systematic Specification)
Diet (Developing Implementation and Extending Theory - A Symbolic Approach to Reasoning about Lotos)
Dill (Digital Logic in Lotos)
Easel (Evaluating And Standardising Enhanced Lotos)
Forces (Forum for Creation and Engineering of Telecommunications Services)
Formosa (Formalisation of ODP Systems Architecture, EPSRC J/17555)
Lotosphere (ESPRIT 2304)
Pangloss (Parallel Architecture for Networking Gateways Linking OSI Systems, ESPRIT 890)
Splice (Specification and Prototyping with Lotos for an Interactive Customer Environment, EPSRC F/67143)
Squids (Specification and Analysis of Quality of Service in Distributed Systems, BT ML 634559)
Topic (Toolset for Protocol and Advanced Service Verification in IBC Environments, RACE 2088)
Online Documentation:
Lotos Course
Using Formal Description Techniques Book
Syntax Summary
BibTeX Bibliography
Lotos Tools:
Cress (graphical service description)
Lotos Utilities
Mustard (service validation)
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