See the download page to obtain this style
This (La)TeX style file allows PostScript colour directives to be inserted with:
New colours can be defined with:
which gives the colour a name and fractions of red/green/blue. The fractions must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive. If a colour is added that is already defined, it overrides the current definition.
The following command disables colour-setting commands and preserves the current colour (typically used at the start of a document for black printing):
The current colour can be saved and restored with:
This might typically be necessary because a header or footer needs to be printed in a colour that is different from the current body colour. The last should be saved in the footer and restored in the following header.
An attempt to use an undefined colour name defaults to black. An attempt to add an illegal colour definition is ignored. The American spelling "color" is also acceptable in command names.
The \special convention of Rokicki's dvips is followed.
Blacks | |||
Black | IvoryBlack | LampBlack | |
Blues | |||
AliceBlue | Blue | BlueLight | BlueMedium |
Cadet | Cobalt | Cornflower | Cerulean |
DodgerBlue | Indigo | ManganeseBlue | MidnightBlue |
Navy | Peacock | PowderBlue | RoyalBlue |
SlateBlue | SlateBlueDark | SlateBlueLight | SlateBlueMedium |
SkyBlue | SkyBlueDeep | SkyBlueLight | SteelBlue |
SteelBlueLight | TurquoiseBlue | Ultramarine | |
Browns | |||
Beige | Brown | BrownOadder | BrownOchre |
Burlywood | BurntSienna | BurntUmber | Chocolate |
DeepOchre | Flesh | FleshOchre | GoldOchre |
GreenishUmber | Khaki | KhakiDark | LightBeige |
Peru | RosyBrown | RawSienna | RawUmber |
Sepia | Sienna | SaddleBrown | SandyBrown |
Tan | VanDykeBrown | ||
Cyans | |||
Aquamarine | AquamarineMedium | Cyan | CyanWhite |
Turquoise | TurquoiseDark | TurquoiseMedium | TurquoisePale |
Greens | |||
Chartreuse | ChromeOxideGreen | CinnabarGreen | CobaltGreen |
EmeraldGreen | ForestGreen | Green | GreenDark |
GreenPale | GreenYellow | LawnGreen | LimeGreen |
Mint | Olive | OliveDrab | OliveGreenDark |
PermanentGreen | SapGreen | SeaGreen | SeaGreenDark |
SeaGreenMedium | SeaGreenLight | SpringGreen | SpringGreenMedium |
TerreVerte | ViridianLight | YellowGreen | |
Greys | |||
ColdGrey | DimGrey | Grey | LightGrey |
SlateGrey | SlateGreyDark | SlateGreyLight | WarmGrey |
Magentas | |||
BlueViolet | CobaltVioletDeep | Magenta | Orchid |
OrchidDark | OrchidMedium | PermanentRedViolet | Plum |
Purple | PurpleMedium | UltramarineViolet | Violet |
VioletDark | VioletRed | VioletRedMedium | VioletRedPale |
Oranges | |||
CadmiumOrange | CadmiumRedLight | Carrot | DarkOrange |
MarsOrange | MarsYellow | Orange | OrangeRed |
YellowOchre | |||
Reds | |||
AlizarinCrimson | Brick | CadmiumRedDeep | Coral |
CoralLight | DeepPink | EnglishRed | Firebrick |
GeraniumLake | HotPink | IndianRed | LightSalmon |
MadderLakeDeep | Maroon | Pink | PinkLight |
Raspberry | Red | RoseMadder | Salmon |
Tomato | VenetianRed | ||
Whites | |||
Antique | Azure | Bisque | BlanchedAlmond |
Cornsilk | Eggshell | Floral | Gainsboro |
Ghost | Honeydew | Ivory | Lavender |
LavenderBlush | LemonChiffon | Linen | MintCream |
MistyRose | Moccasin | Navajo | OldLace |
PapayaWhip | PeachPuff | Seashell | Smoke |
Snow | Thistle | Titanium | Wheat |
White | Zinc | ||
Yellows | |||
AureolineYellow | Banana | CadmiumLemon | CadmiumYellow |
CadmiumYellowLight | Gold | Goldenrod | GoldenrodDark |
GoldenrodLight | GoldenrodPale | LightGoldenrod | Melon |
NaplesYellowDeep | Yellow | YellowLight |
First public version Ken Turner, 25/02/97
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