Computing Science

University of Stirling

Autumn 2002 Seminars
The Department of Computing Science
and Mathematics presents the following seminars. Unless otherwise stated,
seminars will take place in Room
4B94 of the
Building, University of Stirling
from 15.00 to 16.00 on Friday afternoons during semester time.
If you would like to give a seminar to the department in future or if
you need more information, please contact the seminar organisers, either
Hodgkin (Phone 01786-467-446, Email
or David Cairns (Phone 01786-467-445,
5th September 2002
Plamen L. Simeonov, Technology University of Ilmenau
Viator, the Wandering Network approach, defines a new type of communications
architecture chracterized by:
• flexible, multi-modal specialization of network nodes as virtual
• mobility and virtualization of the net functions in hardware and
• self-organizing topology-on-demand.
Network elements can contain several exchangeable modules capable
of executing diverse network functions in parallel. They can be invoked,
transported to or generated in the nodes upon delivery of mobile code about
the node’s behaviour.
20th September 2002
Size is important: Data compression for mobile applications
John Wilson,
Department of Computing and Information Sciences, University of Strathclyde
Conventional database systems rely on disk-based technology. This provides
large-scale storage at the expense of limited performance by comparison
with that available in RAM-based systems. Main-memory resident databases
are however limited by the relatively meagre provision of RAM in most systems.
Dictionary based data compression can be used to squeeze data and partially
overcome the problems of limited capacity. It also acts as a basis for
fast query processing and efficient data distribution. This talk describes
a technique that provides a compact data representation to enable queries
to be carried out in the compressed domain. Further we consider the kind
of application that could benefit from this technology in the light of
the emerging potential for mobile computing.
27th September 2002
Distributed & parallel processing of motion parallax
depth cues by dynamic mapping
Markus Dahlem, Computational
Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Stirling
One of the main problems in vision is the three-dimensional reconstruction
of a static scene from a sequence of images taken by an observer. The observer
can move around and/or changes direction of gaze. This will lead to complex
changes in brightness, called optical flow, on the projection plane. As
I will show, dynamic retino-cortical mapping can be used to reduce the
originally two-dimensional optical flow field on the retina to an one-dimensional
flow in a "higher" area of visual cortex and thus simplifying depth cues
in the images. My goal is to build an artificial visual system in
close approximation of existing brain functionality, i.e. cortical sensor
maps, and distributed & parallel neuronal operations.
4th October 2002
GIS: what's it all about and what can we do with it?
Sandy Winterbottom, Department of Environmental Science, University
of Stirling
The aim of this talk is to provide an introduction to GIS and it's potential
applications. The talk will be illustrated with examples from Environmental
Science but also introduce other potential application areas. Software
and data availability within the University will be discussed.
11th October 2002
The Rules of Sailing Races for Hand-Held Devices
Ken Turner, Department
of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling
The motivation is given for having computer support of the rules
for sailing races. SailRule
is a freely available program intended to analyse and improve performance
in applying the racing rules. A brief overview is given of sailing terminology
and racing rules. It is argued that a useful program for the racing rules
should run on hand-held devices. The program should support an archive
of rule scenarios, race training, self-learning of the rules, and analysis
of rule disputes. The SailRule program has been implemented using the SuperWaba
programming environment for hand-held devices. The user interface is described
for the rules program. An explanation is given of the principles behind
formalising and codifying the racing rules so that they can be efficiently
implemented. Examples are given of how the program represents and analyses
rule scenarios.
18th October 2002
Selecting Test Cases from Formal Proof
Jeremy Bryans and Savi Maharaj,
Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling
Given a formal proof of the correctness of an abstract model of
some program, we wish to generate test cases which can be used to verify
a concrete implementation of that model. Our hypothesis is
that a rigorous method of selecting test case data from the abstract model
will be especially effective at locating flaws within concrete implementations
of the model. We will discuss the context of this research, and report
on our current work.
25th October 2002
The Stable Marriage Problem and Constraint Programming
(SM & CP)
Patrick Prosser, Department of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
In the stable marriage problem we have n men and n women. Each man ranks
each of the women into a preference list. The women do the same with the
men. The problem is then to marry men to women such that marriages are
stable, i.e. there is no incentive for divorce. In 1962 Gale and Shapley
proposed a polytime algorithm for this problem (actually, linear in the
size of the problem). Recently we (myself, along with Ian Gent, Barbara
Smith, David Manlove, and Rob Irving) have shown that with a constraint
programming representation of the problem, arc-consistency processing achieves
the same results as the Gale Shapley algorithm. What's more, one of our
constraint programming representations results in optimal complexity, the
same as Gale Shapley.
In this talk I will introduce the stable marriage problem, present
Gale & Shapley's algorithm, and show how we can represent this as a
constraint program. I will also present the results of an empirical study
of stable marriage problems with ties and incomplete lists, a problem recently
shown to be NP-Complete.
1st November 2002 - Mid-Semester
Break. No Seminar today
8th November 2002
Biosignal Analysis: How Much Should You Expect from It?
Minija Tamosiunaite, Department of Applied Informatics, Vytautas Magnus
University, Lithuania
Computer scientists sometimes spend their lives working on "universal"
signal analysis techniques. However, each problem in biosignal analysis
has its own specificity, which makes those theoretically sound methods
only of limited use. The viewpoint will be introduced through examples
from electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis. Linear modeling, neural networks,
chaos theory-based methods will be concerned. New trends in ECG analysis
will be revealed.
15th November 2002
ICU-Talk / Interactive Visualisation of a Volume Rendered
Virtual Colonoscopy Using a Desktop PC
Ian Ricketts, Department of Applied Computing, University of Dundee
talk will be divided into 2 parts.
Developing communication software for people with special needs can
be a challenging task. Special attention needs to be given to interface
design, the cognitive load placed on the user and to make systems intuitive
and transparent. This approach to software development was used to develop
a specific communication aid for intubated patients in the intensive care
unit (ICU). These patients are temporarily unable to communicate. The literature
states that current low tech communication solutions such as alphabet charts
or picture boards are often unsatisfactory, slow and frustrating for the
patient and nursing staff. ICU-Talk is a prototype computer based communication
aid which has been developed to meet the specific needs of the ICU patient
and ICU environment.
This presentation will discuss the challenges faced when developing
and testing the ICU-Talk prototype, the results from this project and future
Interactive Visualisation of a Volume Rendered Virtual Colonoscopy
Using a Desktop PC
Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths
in industrialised societies. Early detection relies on population screening
and significantly increases the chances of survival. Virtual colonoscopy
(VC) is a minimally invasive screening technique for colorectal cancer.
We have developed a fast three-stage method for volume rendering VC. In
the first stage the lumen boundary is identified and using a thickening
technique a layer from lumen to the colon wall is then extracted. In the
second stage we further reduce the time to render each frame by use of
a visibility determination technique. The third stage is an object order
volume rendering using the potentially visible voxels belonging to the
extracted layer. Shear-warp factorisation provides efficient access to
these voxels.
Results were obtained using a synthetic colon on a desktop personal
computer (PC). Pre-processing to extract the colon wall and to determine
the visibility took 50 secs. The first stage of the method removed approximately
95% of the data and the visibility determination stage eliminated a further
70%. Visualisation of each frame of the VC required approximately 1.5%
of the original data set. This was rendered at 5 frames per second, which
would enable a clinician to interactively navigate the virtual colon on
a desktop PC.
22nd November 2002
Incompatibilities between communications
services in a deregulated market
Mario Kolberg, Department
of Computing Science and Mathematics
Triggered by the deregulation of the communications market, it is expected
that the number of communication services and indeed the number of service
providers will increase dramatically in the near future. Moreover these
services will interwork resulting in the service interaction problem. This
is a problem where the goals of the individual services clash. It is essential
to cope with the problem in a multi-vendor environment as it may substantially
delay service deployment and form a serious obstacle to rapid service provisioning.
The talk will describe the expected problems and explain a novel solution
to address them. The approach can be employed as an off-line technique
where it acts as a filter. However the approach has been adapted to operate
at run-time both within the intelligent network and within the SIP VoIP
architecture. SIP is a session control protocol for Voice over IP sessions.
However communication services are only one aspect of networked services.
The second part of the talk will concentrate on service interactions between
networked "intelligent" appliances within HomeNetworks. Networked appliances
attract an increasing interest from industrial players. Common, widely
referenced examples of networked appliances include video cameras, the
internet alarm-clock, fridges, and entertainment devices such as TVs and
VCRs. The appliances are controlled by software and will interwork. Hence
as in traditional communications, the service interaction problem exists.
The talk will present a taxonomy of the problem in the appliances domain
and an outline solution will be discussed.
The research covered in this talk reflects my PhD thesis.
29th November 2002
Come and meet Toffoli Gates
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec,
Department of Computing Science and Mathematics
Toffoli Gates is not Bill's younger sister. In fact she is not related
to the MicroSoft dynasty at all, but there is a certain relationship to
Fredkin. It turns out that both (Toffoli and Fredkin) are Logic gates with
a very specific porperty: they have as many outputs as they have inputs.
They seem to form a suitable basis for qualtum computing. I will present
some of the basic ideas and discuss why they are seen to be useful.
This is not related to my research. I came accross these gates in a
computer magazine, and simply found them interesting.
4th December 2002 -
Room 2B74
Building Networked Appliances for my Dad
Dave Marples, Honorary Professor, Department of Computing
Science and Mathematics
Computational devices are becoming ever more pervasive in our lives
- already our cars, televisions, video recorders and even our toasters
contain microcontrollers to enhance their functionality. As we can achieve
more and more at cost points that are compatible with consumer electronics
the temptation is to push more and more functionality into these everyday
devices, but in this presentation it is argued this we must resist this
temptation, otherwise the devices will become too complex for the average
user to fully exploit, just as happened with the general purpose PC today.
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