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SEMINARS - Spring 2010

[Talk Schedule] [Abstracts] [Previous Seminars]

The Department of Computing Science and Mathematics presents the following seminars. Unless otherwise stated, seminars will take place in Room 4B94 of the Cottrell Building, University of Stirling from 15.00 to 16.00 on Friday afternoons during semester time. For instructions on how to get to the University, please look at the following routes.

If you would like to give a seminar to the department in future or if you need more information, please contact the seminar organiser, Marwan Fayed, by

or sending email to email.png.)

Talk Schedule [Top] [Abstracts]

8th October
Title: Interactive Authentication
Glasgow Caledonian University
15th October
Mirco Musolesi
Title: Temporal Graphs for Social and Technological Network Analysis
St Andrews University
5th November
Ian Lange
Title: TBA
University of Stirling
12 November
Adrian O'Lenskie
Title: TBA
Adobe Systems
19th November
Speaker: TBA
Title: TBA
26th November
Mike Chantler
Title: TBA
Heriott-Watt University

8th October [Schedule]
Interactive Authentication
Mike Just
Glasgow Caledonian University
Recent trends in authentication research suggest that improved feedback and interaction can help users make more secure and memorable choices. In this presentation I will review methods such as persuasive passwords, and provide a sneak peek at some of my own research into social authentication.
15th October [Schedule]
Temporal Graphs for Social and Technological Network Analysis
Mirco Musolesi
University of St Andrews
The analysis of social and technological networks has attracted a lot of attention as social networking applications and mobile sensing devices have given us a wealth of real data. Classic studies looked at analysing static or aggregated networks, i.e., networks that do not change over time or built as the result of aggregation of information over a certain period of time. Given the soaring number of collections of measurements related to very large real network traces, researchers are quickly starting to realise that connections are inherently varying over time and exhibit more dimensionality than static analysis can capture. In this talk I will present a novel theoretical framework to quantify and compare the speed (delay) of information diffusion processes in dynamic networks. We show how these metrics are able to capture the temporal characteristics of time-varying graphs, such as delay, duration and time order of contacts (interactions), compared to the metrics used in the past on static graphs. I will also discuss the extension of centrality metrics to temporal graphs and some results about small-world properties of time-varying networks.

Previous Seminar Series [Top] [Abstracts] [Schedule]

2010 - Spring 2009 - Spring Autumn
2008 - Spring Autumn
2007 - Spring Autumn
2006 - Spring Autumn
2005 - Spring Autumn
2004 - Spring Autumn
2003 - Spring Autumn


Last Modified: 18th February 2010