Computing Science

University of Stirling

Autumn 1996 Seminars

The Department of Computing Science and Mathematics presents the following seminars. Unless otherwise stated, seminars will take place in Room 4B94 of the Cottrell Building, University of Stirling from 15.00 to 16.00.

If you would like to give a seminar to the department in future or if you need more information, please contact the seminar organiser Ken Turner (Phone 01786-467-420, Email

27 September
Mario Antonioletti (, University of Edinburgh
"Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre - Getting the Benefits"

4 October
Girolami Mark (CIS), University of Paisley
"Independent Component Analysis, Blind Separation/Convolution and the 'Cocktail Party Problem' : Neural Approaches and Recent Advances"

11 October
Mark Robinson (, University of Stirling
"Object-Oriented Functional Programming"

18 October
Dr. Evan Magill (, University of Strathclyde
"Feature Interactions in Telecommunications Software"

25 October
Departmental Honours Talks

8 November
2:00pm in Lecture Theatre A4 (Note time and room change)
Prof. Robin Milner (, University of Cambridge
"The Pi Calculus and its Applications"

15 November
Dr. Richard Connor (, University of St Andrews
"Retrieving Data from the Internet"

22 November
Prof. Malcolm Atkinson (, University of Glasgow
"Early experiences with Persistent Java"

29 November
Prof. Santosh Shrivastava (, University of Newcastle
"Determining the last membership view of a process group after a disaster"

6 December
Keith Bennet (, University of Durham
"Engineering and re-engineering software for change"

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