Tool Support
Future Plans
This project is being undertaken by Ken Turner. AD/IT (Abstract Decision/Interactive Trees) is a notation and a set of tools for defining, translating and formally analysing decision trees. (This is entirely unconnected with the ADIT trademark held by Adit Ltd. and with any products or services of this company.)
AD/IT is based on the notation and tools developed by the CGT project ('The Development and Evaluation of A Computerised Clinical Guidance Tree for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Hypertension'). The CGT project was funded by the Chief Scientist's Office in Scotland from March 2000 to June 2003. Richard Bland was the chief designer of the CGT system, Claire Beechey was the main implementer, and Dawn Dowding (now at the University of Leeds) was the driving force behind the project. The clinical guidance trees were mainly designed by Pat Thomson and Claire Beechey(University of Stirling), Chris Mair (Forth Valley Primary Care Research Group), and Joanne Protheroe (University of Manchester).
AD/IT supports conventional decision trees that have decision nodes, chance nodes and terminal nodes. However, AD/IT inherits from CGT a number of useful extensions such as:
The AD/IT design philosophy is to focus first on the structure and flow in a decision tree. Once this is correct, the content of the tree can be added. The notation encourages separate definition of structure and content. The AD/IT design approach is shown in the following figure.
AD/IT makes use of a simple applicative syntax (like function calls). AD/IT decision trees are defined by the following directives:
Directive | Meaning |
// text | an explanatory comment about the tree that is removed in the translated output |
chance(id,label,attributes,node1,..) | a probabilistic (system) choice |
comment(text) | an explanatory comment about the tree that is transcribed to the translated output |
decision(id,label,attributes,node1,..) | a deterministic (user) choice |
question(id,label,attributes,node1,..) | a request for user input |
terminal(id,label,attributes) | a leaf node |
tree(id,label,attributes,node) | the whole tree with a single root node |
value(name,value) | a textual, numeric or code definition |
These directives take attributes as follows:
Attribute | Meaning | chance | decision | question | terminal | tree |
composed | expression for using composed node headings | * | ||||
conjunction | text to join composed nodes | * | ||||
dictionary | name of a glossary file | * | ||||
display | text for user display (assumed by default) | * | * | * | * | |
error | text for reporting a validation error | * | ||||
format | format for user input | * | ||||
label | long label for a node | * | * | * | * | |
macros | global macros | * | ||||
neutral | neutral value for positive/negative outcome | * | ||||
payoff | expression for a payoff (utility, default 100) | * | ||||
perform | user instruction text | * | * | * | * | |
expression for summarising a node | * | * | * | * | ||
probability | expression for probability of a choice | * | * | * | * | |
query | text for question to user | * | ||||
reason | text for explaining a choice | * | * | * | * | |
scale | expression for scaling payoff | * | * | * | * | |
valid | expression to validate question input | * | ||||
variable | question variable | * | ||||
variables | tree variables | * | ||||
version | tree notation version | * | ||||
visible | expression to check node visibility | * | * | * | * |
As a simple example, the following tree explores the consequences of deciding whether to spend leisure time on going for a walk or not.
comment(walk.adit: K. J. Turner and R. Bland, 7th October 2007) value(Leisure_Display, <h2>Introduction</h2> This example discusses the choice of going for a walk or not.) value(Leisure_Variables, tuesday = 0; probBored = 0.55; probNap = 0.4; probPorlock = 0; payBored = 40; payNap = 70; payNapBored = 10; payPorlock = 15; payWalk = 80) value(Root_Display, Should you go for a walk or not? You'll be asked a question if not.) value(Outcome_Display, What happens now depends on the day of the week.) value(Outcome_Query, Is it Tuesday?) value(Outcome_Valid, if tuesday == 0 then probPorlock = 0; probNap = 0.4; probBored = 0.55; true else if tuesday == 1 then probPorlock = 0.4; probNap = 0.2; probBored = 0.35; true else false fi fi) value(Outcome_Reason, Staying at home means a lack of desirable exercise.) value(Stay_Display, If you stay at home it may turn out well or badly.) value(Porlock_Visible, tuesday) value(Porlock_Display, A person from Porlock calls with probability McEval(probPorlock).) value(Nap_Display, You have a nice nap by the fire with probability McEval(probNap).) value(Bored_Display, You will feel bored and dull with probability McEval(probBored).) value(Walk_Display, If you go for a walk the payoff will be McEval(payWalk).) tree(Leisure, Leisure, neutral="70" variables, decision(Root, At leisure, , question(Outcome, Stay at home, query variable="tuesday" format="Edit(1)" reason valid, chance(Stay, Result of staying at home, , terminal(Porlock, A person from Porlock calls, visible payoff="payPorlock" probability="probPorlock"), terminal(Nap, Have a nap, payoff="payNap" probability="probNap"), terminal(Bored, Become bored, payoff="payBored" probability="probBored"), terminal(NapAndBored, Have a nap & Become bored, payoff="payNapBored" probability="#"))), terminal(Walk, Have a walk, payoff="payWalk")))
The Root node has short label 'At leisure' and no attributes. A choice of two child nodes is then made by the user:
If the user chooses to stay at home, the question about Tuesday is asked. There are now four possible outcomes determined by chance (i.e. the user does not make a choice of these branches). Each outcome has an associated payoff and probability. If it is a Tuesday, a person from Porlock may call. (A 'person from Porlock' is said to have disturbed Coleridge while he was trying to recall the 'Kubla Khan' poem he had composed in a dream.) Alternatively the user may have a nap or may become bored. Both of these may be combined in a composed node with probability '#', meaning the probability remaining after consideration of the other terminal nodes.
The attributes of nodes are mostly defined separately through value definitions. Apart from probability and payoff variables for the tree, there is a tuesday variable that records whether it is Tuesday. All these variables are given initial values since questions may be skipped or nodes may be rendered invisible.
The display, query and reason attributes are defined as text. Apart from allowing HTML markup, text fields may also use macros. Here, the built-in McEval macro is used to return the text resulting from evaluating an expression. The valid and visible attributes are defined as expressions.
The definition of Outcome_Valid illustrates that complex expressions are allowed, here with conditions and sequences of assignments. As with CGT, expressions are patterned after the C programming language and its derivatives. In fact, it would be better to call these statements rather than expressions: they are statement sequences that yield a value. A simple expression may be used on its own. An assignment expression yields the value that is assigned. If there is a sequence of statements or a conditional statement, its value is that of the last calculated expression.
The definition of Porlock_Visible is much simpler: the Porlock node is visible only if tuesday has value 1. Variables always hold numeric values. A zero value means false in a boolean context, while non-zero means true.
For Outcome_Valid, the validation expression yields true if the answer for tuesday is 0 or 1, otherwise false. As a side-effect, the probabilities of various terminal nodes are set depending on the value of tuesday.
AD/IT is accompanied by a toolset that performs translations between different decision trees representations. The translations supported include:
See the author's Lotos software page for download information.
The CGT Viewer allows trees generated from AD/IT to be interactively explored. The viewer was not developed by the author, and is available only in binary form for Microsoft Windows. See the author's graphical software page for more information.
At present, trees are defined manually. It is planned to investigate links to other decision tree tools with a view to converting AD/IT notation to/from the notations they handle (at least, as far as common tree features are concerned).
The technical basis of AD/IT is contained in the following published papers:
This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation - either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You may re-distribute this software provided you preserve this README file. Bug reports should be sent to Ken Turner, who would also appreciate receiving any corrections and comments.
Version 1.0: Ken Turner, 11th June 2007
Version 1.1: Ken Turner, 18th October 2007
Version 1.2: Ken Turner, 23rd October 2008
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