FORCES Project Workshop Report
February 1999

Where available, presentation slides may be obtained by ftp (PowerPoint compressed with gzip). To download these, click on the title of a talk.

Note that some presentations were intentionally provocative and should not be taken as representative of the speaker's true views. Equally, the discussions reflected some `brain-storming' and should not be read as the considered views of the consortium or its members.

Migration of Functionality to the Network Edge

Speaker: Dave Marples, CITEL

Secretary: John Bates, University of Cambridge

The speaker introduced the topic as follows:

Points raised during the discussion included the following:


Speaker: Rob Booth, BT

Secretary: Muffy Calder, Glasgow

The speaker introduced the topic as follows:

Points raised during the discussion included the following research issues:

Middleware and CORBA

Speakers: Gordon Blair and Geoff Coulson, Lancaster

Secretary: Ken Turner, Stirling

The speakers took artificially opposed views on a `motion' that middleware was appropriate for telecomms systems. (They nonetheless admitted that their true views coincided!)

In brief, the arguments for the motion were:

In brief, the arguments against the motion were:

Points raised during the discussion included the following:


Speakers: John Evans, Marconi Communications

Secretary: Evan Magill, Strathclyde

The speaker introduced the topic in a non-technical manner, focussing on the history of the TINA Consortium and the opportunities for academics within the restructured consortium. In brief the following observations were made:

Points raised during the discussion included the following:

Secretary's Afternote: The speaker has subsequently received information suggesting that a TINA-C Academic Forum may be formed. Further details may be available at a later date.

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