These papers are available for downloading. See also the separate lists of publications on other topics. Click on the symbol preceding each article for the following:
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Maternaghan and Kenneth J. Turner. A Component Framework for Telecare
and Home Automation. In Sergey Balandin, Marcin Matuszewksi, Jörg Ott
and Gary Chan, editors, Proc. 7th Consumer Communications and Networking
Conference, pages N4.1-N4.5, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos,
California, USA, January 2010.
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec and Kenneth J. Turner.
A Policy Architecture for Enhancing and Controlling Features. In Daniel
Amyot and Luigi Logrippo, editors, Proc. Feature Interactions in
Telecommunication Networks VII, 239-246, IOS Press, Amsterdam, June
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner. The
Development of An Architectural Semantics for ODP. Technical Report CSM-121,
Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling,
Scotland, March 1994.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner. Modelling ODP
viewpoints. In B. Cameron, C. Geldrez, A. Hopley, D. Howes, B. Mirek, and M.
Plucinska, editors, Proc. OOPSLA 94 Workshop on Precise Behavioural
Specifications in OO Information Modelling, pages 121-128, Portland,
Oregon, USA, October 1994.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
Applying formal methods to standard development: The Open Distributed
Processing experience. Computer Standards and Interfaces,
17:615-630, October 1995.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
Applying the architectural semantics of ODP to develop a trader
specification (pre-publication version). Computer Networks and ISDN
Systems, 29(4):457-471, March 1997.
Kenneth J. Turner, editor. Using Formal Description
Techniques - An Introduction to ESTELLE, LOTOS and SDL. John Wiley, New
York, January 1993.
Kenneth J.
Turner. Template-based specification in LOTOS. Department of Computing
Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Scotland, April 1993.
Kenneth J. Turner. An engineering approach to
formal methods. In Andre A. S. Danthine, Guy Leduc, and Pierre Wolper,
editors, Proc. Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification
XIII, pages 357-380. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 1993.
Kenneth J.
Turner. Specification architecture illustrated in a communications
context (pre-publication version). Computer Networks and ISDN
Systems, 29(4):397-411, March 1997.
Kenneth J.
Turner Relating architecture and specification (pre-publication
version). Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 29(4):437-456, March
Kenneth J. Turner. Relating Services and
Features in the Intelligent Network. In Marijan Kunstic, editor, Proc.
4th International Conference on Telecommunications, pages
235-243, Zagreb, June 1997.
Kenneth J. Turner. An Architectural Foundation
for Relating Features. In Petre Dini, Raouf Boutaba and Luigi Logrippo,
editors, Proc. Feature Interactions in Telecommunication Networks
IV, pages 226-241, IOS Press, Amsterdam, June 1997.
Kenneth J. Turner. An Architectural Description
of Intelligent Network Features and Their Interactions (pre-publication
version). Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Petre Dini and Luigi
Logrippo, editors, Special Issue on Feature Interactions in
Telecommunications Software, 30(15):1389-1419, September 1998.
Kenneth J. Turner. Formalising the Chisel
Feature Notation. In Muffy H. Calder and Evan H. Magill, editors, Proc.
Feature Interactions in Telecommunication Networks VI, pages
241-256, IOS Press Amsterdam, May 2000.
Kenneth J. Turner. Modelling SIP Services using CRESS. In
Moshe Vardi and Doron Peled, editors, Proc. Formal Techniques for
Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE XV), Copyright
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, November 2002.
Kenneth J. Turner. Realising Architectural
Feature Descriptions using LOTOS. Parallel Computers, Networks and
Distributed Systems (Calculateurs Parallèles, Réseaux et
Systèmes Répartis), Editions Hermès, Paris, October
Kenneth J. Turner and Marten van Sinderen. LOTOS
specification style for OSI. In Ed Brinksma, Tommaso Bolognesi, and
Christopher A. Vissers, editors, Proc. 3rd LotoSphere Workshop,
pages 5/1-22, Pisa, September 1992. CNUCE.
Kenneth J. Turner and Marten van Sinderen.
LOTOS specification style for OSI. In Tommaso Bolognesi, Jeroen van de
Lagemaat and Chris A. Vissers, editors, The LOTOSPHERE Project,
pages 137-159. Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, UK, 1995.
Kenneth J. Turner and Richard O. Sinnott. DILL: Specifying
digital logic in LOTOS. In Richard L. Tenney, Paul D. Amer, and M. Ümit
Uyar, editors, Proc. Formal Description Techniques VI, pages 71-86.
North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994.