These papers are available for downloading. See also the separate lists of publications on other topics. Click on the symbol preceding each article for the following:
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F. Javier Argul-Marin and Kenneth J.
Turner. Extending Hardware Description in SDL. Technical Report CSM-155,
Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling,
Scotland, February 2000.
Gyula Csopaki and Kenneth J. Turner.
Modelling Digital Logic in SDL. In Tadanori Mizuno, Norio Shiratori, Teruo
Higashino and Atsushi Togashi, editors, Proc. Formal Description
Techniques X/Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification XVII,
pages 367-382, Chapman and Hall, London, UK, November 1997.
A. John M. Donaldson and Kenneth J.
Turner. Formal specification of QoS properties. In Jan de Meer, Gregor von
Bochmann, and Andreas Vogel, editors, Proc. Workshop on Distributed
Multimedia Applications and QoS Verification, pages 1-14. CRIM,
Montreal, Canada, June 1994.
Ji He and Kenneth J. Turner. Extended
DILL: Digital Logic in LOTOS. Technical Report CSM-142, Department of
Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Scotland,
November 1997.
Ji He and Kenneth J. Turner. Timed
DILL: Digital Logic in LOTOS. Technical Report CSM-145, Department of
Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Scotland, April
Ji He and Kenneth J. Turner. Modelling and
Verifying Synchronous Circuits in DILL. Technical Report CSM-152, Department
of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Scotland,
April 1999.
Ji He and Kenneth J. Turner. Protocol-Inspired
Hardware Testing. In Gyula Csopaki, Sarolta Dibuz and Katalin Tarnay,
editors, Proc.
Testing Communicating Systems XII, pages 131-147 (revised version),
Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, UK, September 1999.
Ji He and Kenneth J. Turner. Specification and
Verification of Synchronous Hardware using LOTOS. In Jianping Wu, Samuel T.
Chanson, Quiang Gao, editors, Proc. Formal Methods for Protocol
Engineering and Distributed Systems (FORTE XII/PSTV XIX), pages 295-312,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, UK, October 1999
Ji He and Kenneth J. Turner. Verifying and
Testing Asynchronous Circuits using LOTOS (extended version). In Tommaso
Bolognesi and Diego Latella, editors, Proc. Formal Methods for Protocol
Engineering and Distributed Systems (FORTE XIII/PSTV XX), pages 267-283,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, UK, October 2000
Ji He and Kenneth J. Turner. Specifying Hardware
Timing with ET-LOTOS (extended version of article published by and copyright
Springer). In Tiziana Margaria and Thomas F. Melham, editors, Proc.
11th Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods
(CHARME 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2144, pages 161-166,
Springer, Berlin, Germany, September 2001.
Ahmed F. Layouni, Luigi
Logrippo and Kenneth J. Turner. Conflict Detection in Call Control using
First-Order Logic Model Checking. In Lydie du Bousquet and Jean-Luc Richier
(eds.), Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Feature Interactions in Software and
Communications Systems, pages 77-92, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Sep 2007.
Stephan Reiff-Marganiec and Kenneth J. Turner.
Use of Logic to describe Enhanced Communications Services. In Moshe Vardi
and Doron Peled, editors, Proc.
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE XV),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2529, 130-145, Copyright Springer, Berlin,
November 2002.
Mihaela Sighireanu and Kenneth J. Turner.
Requirement Capture, Formal Description and Verification of an Invoicing
System. Technical Report RR-3575, Institut National de Recherche en
Informatique et Automatique, Le Chesnay, France, December 1998.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner. The
Development of An Architectural Semantics for ODP. Technical Report CSM-121,
Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling,
Scotland, March 1994.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
The Specification of A Type Management System in LOTOS. Technical Report
CSM-122, Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of
Stirling, Scotland, April 1994.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
Modelling ODP viewpoints. In B. Cameron, C. Geldrez, A. Hopley, D. Howes, B.
Mirek, and M. Plucinska, editors, Proc. OOPSLA 94 Workshop on Precise
Behavioural Specifications in OO Information Modelling, pages 121-128,
Portland, Oregon, USA, October 1994.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
Applying formal methods to standard development: The Open Distributed
Processing experience.
Computer Standards and Interfaces, 17:615-630, October 1995.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
Specifying Multimedia Binding Objects in Z. Proc. Workshop on Trends in
Distributed Systems, Aachen, Germany, October 1996.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
Specifying ODP Computational Objects in Z. In Elie Najm and Jean-Bernard
Stefani, editors, Proc.
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems 96, pages
375-390, Chapman and Hall, 1997.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner. Type
Checking in Open Distributed Systems: A Complete Model and its Z
Specification, In Jerome Rolia, Jacob Slonim and John Botsford, editors,
Open Distributed Processing and Distributed Platforms, Chapman and
Hall, 1997.
Richard O. Sinnott and Kenneth J. Turner.
Applying the architectural semantics of ODP to develop a trader
specification (pre-publication version),
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 29(4):457-471, March 1997.
Koon Leai
Larry Tan and Kenneth J. Turner. Automated Analysis and Implementation
of Composed Grid Services. In Dimitrios Dranidis and Ilias Sakellariou,
editors, Proc. 3rd South-East European Workshop on Formal Methods,
pages 51-64, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2007.
Kenneth J. Turner. Constraint-Oriented Style in
LOTOS. In Proc. British Computer Society Workshop on Formal Methods in
Standards, pages 1-13, British Computer Society, London, April 1988.
Kenneth J. Turner.
The Formal Specification Language LOTOS: A Course For Users. Department of
Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling, Scotland, August
Kenneth J. Turner,
editor. Using Formal Description Techniques - An Introduction to
ESTELLE, LOTOS and SDL. John Wiley, New York, January 1993.
Kenneth J. Turner. Template-based specification
in LOTOS. Department of Computing Science and Mathematics, University of
Stirling, Scotland, April 1993.
Kenneth J. Turner. An
engineering approach to formal methods. In Andre A. S. Danthine, Guy Leduc,
and Pierre Wolper, editors, Proc. Protocol Specification, Testing and
Verification XIII, pages 357-380. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
June 1993.
Kenneth J. Turner,
editor. LOTOS News, Issue 0-3. Department of Computing Science and
Mathematics, University of Stirling, August 1993 - February 1995.
Kenneth J. Turner. Specification architecture
illustrated in a communications context (pre-publication version),
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 29(4):397-411, March 1997.
Kenneth J. Turner. Relating architecture and
specification (pre-publication version),
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 29(4):437-456, March 1997.
Kenneth J. Turner. Incremental Requirements
Specification with LOTOS.
Requirements Engineering Journal, 2:132-151, Springer,
London, UK, November 1997.
Kenneth J. Turner.
The Invoicing Case Study in (E-)LOTOS. In Michel Allemand, Christian
Attiogbé and Henri Habrias, editors, Proc.
International Workshop on Comparing Systems Specification
Techniques, pages 83-98, University of Nantes, France, March 1998.
Kenneth J. Turner. An Architectural Description
of Intelligent Network Features and Their Interactions (pre-publication
version), Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Petre Dini and Luigi
Logrippo, editors, Special Issue on Feature Interactions in
Telecommunications Software, 30(15):1389-1419, September 1998.
Kenneth J. Turner. Validating Architectural
Feature Descriptions using LOTOS.
Proc. Feature Interactions in Telecommunication Networks V, pages
1389-1419, IOS Press, Amsterdam, September 1998.
Kenneth J. Turner. Formalising the Chisel Feature
Notation. In Evan H. Magill and Muffy H. Calder, editors, Proc. Feature
Interactions in Telecommunication Networks VI, IOS Press Amsterdam, May
Kenneth J. Turner. Realising Architectural
Feature Descriptions using LOTOS. Parallel Computers, Networks and
Distributed Systems (Calculateurs Parallèles, Réseaux et
Systèmes Répartis), Editions Hermès, Paris, August
Kenneth J. Turner. The N-Body Problem in
LOTOS (pre-publication version). In Howard Bowman, editor, Proc. Formal
Methods Elsewhere, pages 1-23, Electronic Notes in Theoretical
Computer Science, volume 43, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
June 2001. (Also Technical Report 11-00, pages 84-99, Computing Laboratory,
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, October 2000).
Kenneth J. Turner. Formally-Based Testing of
Radiotherapy Accelerators. In Robert N. Procter and Mark Rouncefield,
editors, Proc. Workshop on Dependability in Healthcare, pages 97-99,
Edinburgh, March 2001.
Kenneth J. Turner. Modelling SIP Services using
CRESS. In Moshe Vardi and Doron Peled, editors, Proc. Formal Techniques
for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE XV), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 2529, 162-177, Copyright Springer, Berlin, November 2002.
Kenneth J. Turner. Representing New Voice
Services and Their Features. In Luigi Logrippo and Daniel Amyot, editors,
Proc. Feature Interactions in Telecommunication Networks VII, IOS
Press, Amsterdam, June 2003.
Kenneth J. Turner. Formalising Graphical Service
Descriptions using SDL. In Rick Reed and Jeanne Reed, editors, Proc. SDL
2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2708, 183-202, Copyright
Springer, Berlin, Germany, July 2003.
Kenneth J. Turner. Analysing Interactive Voice
Services (pre-publication version), Computer Networks, 45:665-685,
Copyright Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, March 2004.
Kenneth J. Turner. Formalising Graphical
Behaviour Descriptions, Proc.
10th. International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software
Technology, 537-552, Copyright Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam,
March 2004.
Kenneth J. Turner. Test Generation for Radiotherapy
Accelerators, Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 7(4):361-375,
Copyright Springer, August 2005.
Kenneth J. Turner. Formalising Web Services. In
Fern Wang, editor, Proc.
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE
XVIII), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3731, pages 473-488, Copyright
Springer, Berlin, October 2005.
Kenneth J. Turner. Validating Feature-Based
Specifications, Software Practice and Experience, 36(10):999-1027,
August 2006 (pre-publication version, copyright John Wiley).
Kenneth J. Turner. Representing and Analysing
Composed Web Services using CRESS (pre-publication version), Network and
Computer Applications, 30(2):541-562, Copyright Elsevier Science
Publishers, Amsterdam, April 2007.
Kenneth J. Turner, Alex M. Gillespie and Lynne J.
McMichael. Rigorous Development of Prompting Dialogues, Biomedical
Informatics, 44(4):713-727, Copyright Elsevier, September 2011.
Kenneth J. Turner and Ji He. Formally-Based
Design Evaluation (extended version of article published by and copyright
Springer). In Tiziana Margaria and Thomas F. Melham, editors, Proc. 11th
Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods
(CHARME 2001), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2144, pages 104-109,
Springer, Berlin, Germany, September 2001.
Kenneth J. Turner, F. Javier Argul Marin and
Stephen D. Laing. Concurrent Specification and Timing Analysis of Digital
Hardware using SDL (extended version of article published by and copyright
Springer). In Jose Rolim et al., editors, Proc. International Parallel
and Distributed Processing Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 1800, pages 1001-1008, Springer, Berlin, Germany, May 2000.
Kenneth J. Turner and Ashley McClenaghan. Visual
animation of LOTOS using SOLVE (extended version). In Dieter Hogrefe and
Stefan Leue, editors,
Formal Description Techniques VII, Amsterdam, October 1994.
Kenneth J. Turner, Ashley McClenaghan and Colin
Chan. Specification and Animation of Reactive Systems. In Volkan Atalay,
Ugur Halici, Kemal Inan, Nese Yalabik and Adnan Yazici, editors, Proc.
International Symposium on Computer and Information Systems XI,
pages 355-364, Antalya, Turkey, November 1996.
Kenneth J. Turner and Qian Bing. Systematic Testing of
Radiotherapy Accelerators. In Hartmut Ehrig, Berndt J. Krämer and
Atilla Ertas, editors, Proc. Integrated Design and Process Technology
(IDPT 02), pages 33.1-33.8, Society for Design and Process Science,
Grandview, Texas, USA, June 2002.
Kenneth J. Turner and Qian Bing. Protocol Techniques
for Testing Radiotherapy Accelerators. In Moshe Vardi and Doron Peled,
editors, Proc. Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed
Systems (FORTE XV), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2529, 81-96,
Copyright Springer, Berlin, November 2002.
Kenneth J. Turner and Richard O. Sinnott. DILL:
Specifying digital logic in LOTOS. In Richard L. Tenney, Paul D. Amer, and
M. Ümit Uyar, editors, Proc. Formal Description Techniques VI,
pages 71-86. North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1994.
Kenneth J. Turner and Marten van Sinderen. LOTOS
specification style for OSI. In Ed Brinksma, Tommaso Bolognesi, and
Christopher A. Vissers, editors, Proc.
3rd LotoSphere Workshop, pages 5/1-22, Pisa, September 1992. CNUCE.
Kenneth J. Turner and Marten van Sinderen. LOTOS
specification style for OSI. In Tommaso Bolognesi, Jeroen van de Lagemaat
and Chris A. Vissers, editors,
The LOTOSPHERE Project, pages 137-159. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
London, UK, 1995.
Kenneth J. Turner and Koon Leai Larry Tan. Graphical
Composition of Grid Services. In Didier Buchs and Nicolas Guelfi, editors,
Proc. International Conference on Rapid Introduction of Software
Engineering Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4401, pages
1-17, Copyright Springer, Berlin, May 2007.
Kenneth J.
Turner and Koon Leai Larry Tan. A Rigorous Methodology for Composing
Services. In Maria Alpuente, Byron Cook and Christophe Joubert, editors,
Proc. Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems 14, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 5825, pages 165-180, Copyright Springer,
Berlin, November 2009.
Kenneth J.
Turner and Koon Leai Larry Tan. A Rigorous Approach to Orchestrating
Grid Services. Computer Networks, 51(15):4421-4441, Copyright
Elsevier, Amsterdam, October 2007.
Kenneth J. Turner
and Koon Leai Larry Tan. Rigorous Development of Composite Grid
Services. Network and Computer Applications, 35(4):1304-1316,
Copyright Elsevier, Amsterdam, February 2012.
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