In recent years, numerous software systems have been developed specifically to support the management of scientific processes and workflows. Research in this comparatively new field is evolving in many different ways.
Software Tools for Technology Transfer is a respected Springer journal that emphasises the role of software in transferring technical advances to a wider academic and industrial audience. The journal is publishing a special section on scientific workflows. The target readership for this is researchers and practitioners in all scientific applications who can benefit from advances in workflow tools and techniques.
Topics of interest on scientific workflows include (but are not limited to):
Original papers on these or closely related topics are solicited for this Special Section. Where a paper has previously been published in conference form (e.g. the ISoLA track on scientific workflows), the journal submission must demonstrate significant new contributions or expositions.
Authors should register via and then submit their paper online.
Prospective authors are invited to contact the guest editors to discuss the suitability of their planned submissions. Authors also need to contact the guest editors to indicate their intention to contribute and to receive submission instructions.
Prof. Ken Turner
Computing Science and Mathematics
University of Stirling
(Phone: +44 1786 466 000 ext. 6763, Web/Email:
Dr. Anna-Lena Lamprecht
Institute of Computer Science
University of Potsdam
(Phone: +49 331 977 3053, Web/Email:
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