These files generate OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) service specifications in LOTOS. Services are described using the Sage language that builds services from their constituent facilities. See An engineering approach to formal methods and Exploiting the m4 macro language for more details. Be warned that macros in this package are very intricate!
Note the following relative to the PSTV paper cited above:
process P ... PAux ||| i; P endproc
As an example, consider a connection-oriented service with the following characteristics:
ConnReq (Addr1, Addr2) ConnInd (Addr1, Addr2) ConnRes () ConnCon ()
A connection initiation attempt may be withheld (e.g. due to lack of resources). Completion of connection enables data transfer: normal data, expedited data, reset. Connections may be established for any pair of interaction group identifiers.
DataReq (Data) DataInd (Data) AckInd ()
ExpReq (Data) ExpInd (Data)
Expedited data from user 2 may overtake normal data from user 2. Normal and expedited data in either direction is interleaved.
ResetReq (Reas) ResetInd (Reas)
Simultaneous resets by both users acknowledge each other. Reset interrupts then resumes data transfer.
DiscReq () DiscInd ()
Disconnection breaks any existing connection then allows a further connection attempt.
The Sage description required to define this service is as follows:
include(sage.m4) divert define(Conn12, facility(12,user_confirmed,reliable,Conn(Addr1,Addr2),Conn())) define(Data12, facility(12,provider_confirmed,unreliable,Data(Data),Ack())) define(Data21, facility(21,provider_confirmed,unreliable,Data(Data),Ack())) define(Exp21, facility(21,unconfirmed,reliable,Exp(Data))) define(Reset12, facility(12,unconfirmed,reliable,Reset(Reas))) define(Disc21, facility(21,unconfirmed,consecutive,Disc())) global(cs, withheld(Conn, forall_ids( disables(Disc21, enables(Conn12, interrupts( colliding(Reset12), interleaves(Data12, overtakes(Exp21,Data21))))))))
This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation - either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
First public version Ken Turner, 04/06/96
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