See the download page to obtain this program
This script corrects major structural errors in HTML files:
Unfortunately a number of applications do not generate correct HTML, hence the need for this utility. Note that the script overwrites the original file, so work on a copy to be sure. Warning messages are sent to standard error.
The command line options are:
Run on one or more HTML files with or without an extension. Warning messages are sent to standard error. Examples of usage are:
Change the first line of the script according to where Perl is located. Although tested with Perl5, the script may work with only minor changes for Perl4.
htmlfix is free software, distributed under the GNU Public License Version 2. You may re-distribute this software provided you preserve this README file. The contents of this package may be used freely for non-commercial purposes provided this README file and copyright notices are retained. Copyright remains with the author. No warranties are given as to the accuracy or suitability of this package.
First public version Ken Turner, 21st November 1998
Up one level to Web Utilities