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Analog VLSI Implementation of a Relaxation Oscillator for Neuromorphic Networks

Jordi Cosp, Jordi Madrenas, Juan M.Moreno, Joan Cabasteny, Department d'Enginyeria Electronica, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Gran Capita s/n, modul C4, 08034 Barcelona, Spain The VLSI design of an electronic oscillator which can be used to build a neuromorphic network capable of segregating the different parts of a visual scene is proposed. The network is based in the model proposed by D.L.Wang but oscillator differential equations have been modified to meet the requirements imposed by VLSI technology. Computational simulations of new equations show the efficacy of the modified network. The time response of the electronic circuit has been compared to the oscillator model used to simulate the whole network showing their similarity.

Dr L S Smith (Staff)
Tue Dec 2 14:23:49 GMT 1997