Statistics of Natural Sound: Some PCAs and ICAs
Statistics of Natural Sound: Some PCAs and ICAs
The PCAs and ICAs below were produced using the ridiculously simple technique of using the digital sound directly as the input vectors. The sounds were (randomly) cut up into 200ms long sections. This technique has the advantage of being invertible in the sense that we can play back the PCAs and ICAs by considering the projection mapping as a sound. (I also use other techniques for examining PCAs and ICAs: see my seminar (IMNS, Edinburgh 4 May 2004).
The PCAs and ICAs were produced using MATLAB running under Windows XP. This has a limitation of about 1.3Gbytes for the programme when it is running, (and then it runs out of memory). This has restricted the size of dataset I could investigate. Of course, that's me blaming the tools, it is certainly true that had I time, I could rewrite the code (in C++ perhaps) so that it did not have this problem - or I could have used a different approach to PCA and ICA estimation that did not involve matrix inversion. Nonetheless, that is the limitation I have been working within.
PCAs and ICAs from a mixed set of TIMIT utterances.
The utterances used were a mixed set of 40 TIMIT utterances. The PCAs, ICAs are all .au files. They are all 200ms long. Sampling rate 16000Samples/second, 16 bits linear.
PCAs and ICAs from the first minute or so of Coltrane's Equinox (a Jazz piece).
This time the sampling rate is 22050 samples/second.
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Last updated: Thursday, 06-May-2004 10:02:46 BST
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