Division of Computing Science and Mathematics University of Stirling

Professor Leslie S. Smith: Research Home Page

This page is too long and needs divided up into parts


The work I do is part of the Division's Data Science and Intelligent Systems research group. My over-arching aim is to understand (and help others to understand) how brains process information, and to apply that knowledge to the building (engineering) of novel systems.

Some Papers

Nearly all of my papers are available over the net. In addition, here's a list of (considerably) older publications without links.


Research statement
My research is on the general area of biologically inspired computation. This covers neuromorphic systems (particularly synthetic sensory systems), neural networks, some aspects of computational neuroscience, and some aspects of Neuroinformatics. I have gradually come from a relatively engineering-led and highly abstracted neural networks background more and more into a neurophysiologically plausible neural networks researcher: further my interest has moved into how to connect silicon and neural systems, and into synthetic sensory systems. This has led me into the realms of Neuroinformatics recently, since this area needs further research in order to support possible new developments in (i) really understanding how brains work in their environment (ii) being able to build bidirectional brain/computer interfaces and (iii) building machines (I don't want to call them computers) which are capable of working robustly in their environment.
The UK Neuroinformatics Node.
This is the UK Node for the International Neuroinformatics Co-ordinating Forum, usually known as INCF. This group exists to encourage Neuroinformatics research and collaboration across the UK, and to provide a channel for communication to and from the INCF itself. In the past it has held meetings, and it is hope to do so again. It is now co-ordinated by Professor Marcus Kaiser, of Newcastle University.
Grand Challenge 5: Architecture of Brain and Mind
Or to give it its full title: Architecture of Brain and Mind: Integrating high level cognitive processes with brain mechanisms and functions in a working robot. In 2010 I took over from Prof Steve Furber as chair of this grand challenge.

Recently Funded Research Projects

Research Areas, currently unfunded (but not inactive)

PhD projects

As an Emeritus Professor, I'm no longer able to supervise or co-supervise PhD projects. I still get involved, but can't be an official supervisor.

Previously funded research projects

Research Infrastructure


Current Conferences

I helped organise a number of meetings within the Neuroinformatics area.

Past Conferences

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Last updated: Wednesday, 29-Jun-2022 22:27:10 BST

If you have any difficulties accessing this page, or you have any queries/suggestions arising from this page, please email:
Prof Leslie S Smith (lss(nospam_please)@cs.stir.ac.uk)

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