Publications by Dr Mario Kolberg
Patents and Applications...
Feature Interaction detection in multi-party calls and calls with bridged appearances, J. Buford, M. Kolberg, V. Krishnaswamy, K. Dhara, X. Wu, Patent US 8300558 B2, issued Oct 2012.
Feature interaction detection during calls with multiple-leg signaling paths, J. Buford, M. Kolberg, V. Krishnaswamy, K. Dhara, X. Wu, Patent US 8155021, issued April 2012.
Multi-Model, Context-Sensitive, Real-Time Collaboration, J. Buford, M. Kolberg, V. Krishnaswamy, K. Dhara, X. Wu, US20120030289 A1, published Feb. 2012.
Interaction detection between web-enabled and call-related features, J. Buford, M. Kolberg, V. Krishnaswamy, K. Dhara, X. Wu, WO2011008554 A3, published March 2011.
Mid-call detection and resolution of feature interactions, J. Buford, M. Kolberg, V. Krishnaswamy, K. Dhara, X. Wu, Patent US 8300558, issued October 2014.
Refereed Book Chapters, Journal Papers and RFC documents...
M. Al Mojamed, M. Kolberg; Structured Peer-to-Peer overlay deployment on MANET: A survey; Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier, DOI: doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2015.12.007.
Free copy online at Computer Networks Journal
M. Al Mojamed, M. Kolberg; Design and evaluation of a peer-to-peer MANET crosslayer approach: OneHopOverlay4MANET; Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Journal, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s12083-015-0413-4.
A. F. Abidin, M. Kolberg and A. Hussain; Integrating Twitter Traffic Information with Kalman Filter Models for Public Transportation Vehicle Arrival Time Prediction;
Big-Data Analytics and Cloud Computing 2015: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, M. Trovati, R. Hill, A. Anjum, S. Y. Zhu, L. Liu (eds.); Springer; ISBN 978-3319253114, Dec. 2015.
M. Kolberg, J. F. Buford, K. Dhara, X. Wu, V. Krishnaswamy, Feature Interaction in a Federated Communications-Enabled Collaboration Platform, Computer Networks Journal, Volume 57, Issue 12, 2013, Pages 2410-2428.
J. Buford, M. Kolberg (ed.), Application-Layer Multicast Extensions to REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD), Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), Request for Comments: 7019, ISSN: 2070-1721.
Furness, J., Kolberg, M.; Improving Wide Area P2P Service Discovery Mechanisms using Complex Queries, Handbook on Advances in Next Generation Services and Service Architectures, 2011.
Krishnan Dhara, Yang Guo, Mario Kolberg, Xiaotao Wu, Overview of Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlay Algorithms, Handbook of Peer-to-peer Networking, Springer, Dec. 2009.
M. Kolberg, Employing Multicast in P2P Overlay Networks, Handbook of Peer-to-peer Networking, Springer, Dec. 2009.
J. Buford, A. Brown, M. Kolberg. Exploiting Parallelism in the Design of Peer-to-Peer
Overlays, Computer Communications Journal, Volume 31, Issue 3, 25 February 2008, Pages 452-463,
Elsevier Science, DOI link.
M. Kolberg and E.H. Magill, Managing Feature Interactions between Distributed SIP Call Control
Services, Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier Science, Volume 51, Issue 2, 7 February 2007, pp. 536-557.
M. Kolberg and E.H. Magill. Using Pen and Paper to Control Networked Appliances, IEEE Communications Magazine,
Vol.44, No.11, November 2006, pp. 148-154.
M. Kolberg, E.H. Magill, and M. Wilson. Compatibility Issues between Services supporting Networked Appliances,
IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 41, No. 11, November 2003.
M. Calder, M. Kolberg, E.H. Magill and S. Reiff-Marganiec. Feature Interaction: A
Critical Review and Considered Forecast, Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier Science,
Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 115-141, 2003.
M. Kolberg and E.H. Magill. A pragmatic approach to Service Interaction
Filtering between Call Control Services, Computer Networks Journal,
Elsevier Science, Vol. 38, pp. 591-602, 2002.
M. Kolberg, R. Sinnott and E. H. Magill. Experiences Modelling and Using Formal Object-Oriented Telecommunication Service Frameworks. In International Journal on Computer Networks, Elsevier Science, Volume 31, Issue 23-24, pp. 2577-2592.
Conference Papers...
D. Alwadani, M. Kolberg, J. F. Buford; An Evaluation of Opportunistic Native Multicast; 20th IEEE Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (IEEE CAMAD) 2015.
A. F. Abidin, M. Kolberg; Towards Improved Vehicle Arrival Time Prediction in Public Transportation: Integrating SUMO and Kalman Filter Models; 17th Intl. Conference on Modelling and Simulation, UKSim 2015, IEEE, March 2015.
M. Al Mojamed, M. Kolberg; Performance evaluation of OnehopMANET; Science and Information Conference (SAI), 2015, IEEE, 2015.
D. Alwadani, M. Kolberg, J. F. Buford; A Simulation Model for Hybrid Multicast; 8th IEEE Conf. on Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2014), IEEE, 2014.
M. Al Mojamed, M. Kolberg; OnehopMANET: One-Hop Structured P2P over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks; 8th IEEE Conf. on Next Generation Mobile Apps, Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2014), IEEE, 2014.
Furness, J., Chowdhury, F., Kolberg, M.; An Evaluation of EpiChord in OverSim, 5th Intl. Conf. on Networks & Communications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Meghanathan, N.; Nagamalai, D.; Rajasekaran, S. (Eds.), Springer, Vol. 284, 2014.
Chowdhury, F., Kolberg, M.; Performance Evaluation of Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays for Use on Mobile Networks, 6th IEEE Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DESE), 2013.
Chowdhury, F., Kolberg, M.; Performance Evaluation of EpiChord under High Churn, 8th ACM workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks (PM2HW2N '13), 2013.
Furness, J., Kolberg, M., Fayad, M.; An Evaluation of Chord and Pastry Models in OverSim, 2013 European Modelling Symposium (EMS 2013), IEEE, 2013.
Abidin, Ahmad Faisal Amri and Kolberg, Mario. "Establishing Trust in VANETs Using Information From Social Networks." Postgraduate Network Symp. (PGNet) (2013):20-25.
Furness, J., Kolberg, M.; Considering Complex Search Techniques in DHTs Under Churn. 8th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2011.
Kolberg, M.; Buford, J.F.; Application Layer Multicast Extensions to RELOAD. 8th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2011.
Kolberg, M.; Buford, J.F.; Dhara, K.; Wu, X.; Krishnaswamy, V. Feature Interaction Analysis for Collaboration Spaces with Communication Endpoints, IEEE Globecom 2010.
Buford, J.F.; Dhara, K.; Wu, X.; Krishnaswamy, V; Kolberg, M., A Communications-Enabled Collaboration Platform, IPTCOMM Conf. 2010, Conference Presentation Slides.
M. Kolberg, J. Buford; An XCAST Multicast Implementation for the OverSim Simulator, 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2010.
Kolberg, M.; Buford, J.F.; Dhara, K.; Wu, X.; Krishnaswamy, V; Managing Distributed Feature Interactions in Enterprise SIP Application Servers, IEEE International Conference Communications (ICC) 2009.
Xiaotao Wu, John Buford, Kishore Dhara, Venky Krishnaswamy, Mario Kolberg, Feature Interactions Between Internet Services and Telecommunication Services, Proceedings of IPTCOMM Conference 2009.
Kolberg, M.; Wilson, M.; Blunn, M.; Magill, E.; Burtwistle, P.; A Framework for Mobile Applications Based on a Structured P2P Overlay, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2009.
A. Brown, M. Kolberg, J. Buford. Chameleon: An adaptable 2-tier variable hop overlay,
6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2009.
J. Buford, M. Kolberg. Hybrid Overlay Multicast Simulation and Evaluation,
6th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2009.
J. Buford, K. Dhara, M. Kolberg, V. Krishnaswamy, X. Wu. Feature Interactions in
P2P Overlay Networks, 5th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2008.
M. Wilson, M. Kolberg, E. Magill. Considering Side Effects in Service Interactions
in Home Automation - an Online Approach, Ninth International Conference
on Feature Interactions in Software and Communication Systems (ICFI) 2007.
J. Zhou, J. Buford, K. Dhara, M. Kolberg, V. Krishnaswamy, X. Wu. Discovery and Composition of
Communication Services in Peer-to-Peer Overlays, IEEE Globecom 2007, Workshop on Service Discovery
and Composition in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Environments (SUPE'07).
A. Brown, M. Kolberg, J. Buford. An adaptable service overlay for wide area network service discovery,
IEEE Globecom 2007, Workshop Enabling the Future Service-Oriented Internet.
J. Buford, A. Brown, M. Kolberg. Analysis of an Active Maintenance Algorithm
for an O(1)-Hop Overlay, IEEE Globecom 2007.
M. Kolberg, F. Kolberg, A. Brown, J. Buford. A Markov Model for the EpiChord Peer-to-Peer Overlay in an XCAST enabled Network,
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.
A. Brown, J. Buford, M. Kolberg. Tork: A Variable-Hop Overlay for Heterogeneous Networks.
5th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom),
4th IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing (MP2P'07), White Plains, NY, USA,
J. Buford, A. Brown, M. Kolberg. Parallelizing Peer-to-Peer Overlays with Multi-Destination Routing,
4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2007.
J. Buford, A. Brown, M. Kolberg. Multi-Destination Routing and the Design of Peer-to-Peer Overlays,
4th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2007, 1st International Workshop on
Peer-to-Peer Multicasting (P2PM'07).
F. Wang, L. S. Docherty, K. J. Turner, M. Kolberg and E. H. Magill. Services and Policies for Care At Home, 1st International Conference on
Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2006, Innsbruck, Austria.
J. Buford, A. Brown, and M. Kolberg, Meta Service Discovery, 4th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom),
3rd IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing (MP2P'06), pp. 124-129, Pisa, Italy, 2006.
A. Brown, M. Kolberg, D. Bushmitch, G. Lomako, M. Ma, A SIP-based OSGi Device Communication Service
for Mobile Personal Area Networks, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2006, Las Vegas, USA.
M. Kolberg and E.H. Magill, Detecting Interactions between SIP Call Control Services, in Feature
Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems VIII, IOS Press, 2005, pp. 147-162.
M. Kolberg, E.H. Magill, M. Wilson, P. Burtwistle, and O. Ohlstenius. Controlling Appliances with
Pen and Paper, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2005, Las Vegas, USA.
M. Wilson, E.H. Magill, and M. Kolberg. An Online Approach for the Service Interaction Problem in
Home Automation, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2005, Las Vegas, USA.
M. Calder, M. Kolberg, E.H. Magill, D. Marples and S. Reiff-Marganiec. Hybrid Solutions
to the Feature Interaction Problem, In D. Amyot and L. Logrippo, editors, Feature Interaction
in Telecommunications and Software Systems VII, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 295-312, 2003.
M. Kolberg, E.H. Magill, D. Marples, and S. Tsang.
Feature Interactions in Services for Internet Personal Appliances, Proceedings of IEEE
International Conference on Communications 2002 (ICC 2002), New York City, USA, Volume: 4,
pp. 2613 - 2618.
M. Kolberg and E.H. Magill. Handling Incompatibilities between Services
deployed on IP-based Networks, IEEE Intelligent Networks 2001 (IN2001),
IEEE Press, Boston, USA.
M. Kolberg and K. Kimbler. Service Interaction Management for Distributed
Services in a Deregulated Market Environment. In M. Calder and E. Magill,
editors, Feature Interaction in Telecommunications and Software Systems
VI, IOS Press, Amsterdam, May 2000, pp. 23 - 37.
K. Kimbler, M. Kolberg, R. Sinnott, G. Weitoft and P. v. Dolwitz, A TINA/IN
Platform for Framework-based Service Creation, Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent
Network Workshop - IN2000, IEEE Press, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2000.
M. Kolberg, R. Sinnott and E. H. Magill. Experiences Modelling and Using
Formal Object-Oriented Telecommunication Service Frameworks. Computer Networks Journal,
Elsevier Science, Volume 31, Issue 23-24, December 1999, pp. 2577-2592.
Please email Mario Kolberg to get
a paper copy of this paper.
M. Kolberg, R. Sinnott and E. H. Magill. Engineering of Interworking TINA-based
Telecommunication Services. In Proceedings of the Eighth International
Conference on Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA),
IEEE Press, Hawaii, USA, May 1999.
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(Powerpoint Presentation)
R. Sinnott and M. Kolberg. Creating Telecommunication Services Based on
Object Oriented Frameworks and SDL. In Proceedings of the Second IEEE International
Symposium on Object Oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC),
Saint Malo, France, May 1999.
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A. Olsen and D. Demany and E. Cardoso and F. Lodge and M. Kolberg and M.
Bjorkander and R. Sinnott. The Pros and Cons of Using SDL for Creation
of Distributed Services. In H. Zuidweg and M. Campolargo and J. Delgado
and A. Mullery, editors, Intelligence in Services and Networks - Paving
the Way for an Open Service Market, pages 342 - 354, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science No. 1597, Springer Verlag, 1999.
(Abstract) |
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R. Sinnott and M. Kolberg. Engineering Telecommunication Services with
SDL. In P. Ciancarini and A. Fantechi and R. Gorrieri, editors, Formal
Methods for Open Object Based Distributed Systems, pages 187 - 203, Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1999.
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(Powerpoint Presentation)
R. Sinnott and M. Kolberg. Business-Oriented Development of Telecommunication
Services. In Proceedings of the Seventh OOPSLA Workshop on Behavioural
Semantics of Object Oriented Business and Systems Specifications (In Conjunction
with the Thirteenth Annual ACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming
Systems, Languages and Applications), Vancouver, Canada, 1998.
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M. Kolberg and E. H. Magill. Service and Feature Interactions in TINA.
In V. K. Kimbler and L.G. Bouma, editors, Proceedings of the Fifth
International Workshop on Feature Interaction in Telecommunications and
Software Systems, pages 78 - 84, IOS Press, Lund, September 1998.
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(Powerpoint Presentation)
Other Papers...
M. Kolberg and Evan H. Magill, Programming a PVR with Pen and Paper, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2006, Las Vegas, USA.
M. Kolberg, E.H. Magill, D. Marples and S. Reiff. Second Feature
Interaction Contest Results. In M. Calder and E. Magill, editors, Feature
Interaction in Telecommunications and Software Systems VI, IOS Press,
Glasgow, May 2000.
M. Kolberg, E.H. Magill, D. Marples and S. Reiff. Second Feature
Interaction Contest. In M. Calder and E. Magill, editors, Feature Interaction
in Telecommunications and Software Systems VI, IOS Press, Glasgow,
May 2000.