Français | Anglais |
gabare | barge |
gaffe | boat-hook |
gaillard d'avant | forecastle |
gaine | casing |
gal-hauban | cap shroud |
galets | shingle |
garde-corps | guard rail |
garde-côte | coastguard |
gardien de phare | lighthouse keeper |
gas-oil | diesel fuel/oil |
gel | frost |
gelé | frosty |
gelée | frost |
génois | genoa |
genny | |
gilet de sauvetage | life-jacket |
girouette | burgee |
wind indicator | |
wind vane | |
givre | hoar (frost) |
gîte | heel |
gîter | heel |
givre | frost |
givré | frosty |
glace | ice |
glace flottante | floe |
glacial | frosty |
icy | |
goélette | schooner |
golfe | gulf |
Golfe Persique | Persian Gulf |
goujon | pin |
goupille | (clevis) pin |
goupille fendue | split pin |
gouvernail | helm |
rudder (Cruiser) | |
tiller | |
(ship's) wheel | |
GPS | GPS (Global Positioning System) |
grain | heavy shower |
squall | |
grand cercle | great circle |
grand frais | near gale |
grand largue | broad reach |
(au) grand largue | broad reaching |
grand mât | mainmast |
grand voile | main(sail) |
Grande Barrière | Great Barrier Reef |
Grands Lacs | Great Lakes |
grand voilier | sailing ship |
yacht | |
gréement | rig |
rigging | |
gréement à corne | gaffer |
gréement courant | running rigging |
gréement dormant | standing rigging |
grêle | hail |
grêler | hail |
gros temps | foul weather |
grue | (mast) crane |
grutage | cranage |
guide nautique | pilotage book |
guide du port | harbour guide |
guignol | jumper stay |
guindant | luff |
guindeau | windlass |
Gulf Stream | Gulf Stream |
habitable et transportable | trailer sailer |
hale-bas | (boom) vang |
downhaul | |
kicker | |
kicking strap | |
haler | haul in |
tow | |
hamac | hammock |
harenguier | herring boat |
harnais | harness |
hauban | shroud |
haussière | hawser |
(de) haute mer | seagoing |
haute tension | high voltage |
hauts-fonds | shallows |
shoal | |
haute pression | high pressure |
hauteur | height |
hauteur sous barrots | headroom |
hâvre | port |
héler | hail (cry) |
hélice | propeller |
hémisphère | hemisphere |
heure | time |
heure locale | local time |
hisser | hoist |
homme à la mer | man overboard |
hommes de quart | (the) watch |
horizon | horizon |
hors-bord | outboard (engine) |
houle | swell |
hublot | port-hole |
humidité | humidity |
hypothermie | hypothermia |
iceberg | iceberg |
ice floe | |
île | island |
Îles Anglo-Normandes | Channel Isles |
Îles Malouines | Falklands |
îlot | islet |
imper(méable) | waterproof |
induit | armature |
inox | stainles steel |
instruction | instruction |
training | |
instructions nautiques | pilotage book |
instructeur | instructor |
insubmersible | unsinkable |
insubmersibilité | unsinkability |
intermittent | intermittent |
interrupteur d'isolation | isolating switch |
isobare | isobar |
isolé | isolated |
Jamaïque | Jamaica |
jauge | tonnage |
jeter (ligne) | heave |
throw | |
jetée | jetty |
pier | |
jeu de pièces réparation | repair kit |
jolie brise | moderate breeze |
jour | day |
journal de bord | log(book) |
jusant | ebb tide |
falling tide | |
juge de départ | starter |
ketch | ketch |
lac | lake |
loch (Scotland) | |
lough (Ireland) | |
lâcher | ease off |
sheet out | |
laisser porter | bear away |
laiton | brass |
lame | wave |
lame de fond | groundswell |
lame de safran | rudder (blade) |
lancer (ligne) | heave |
throw | |
lanceur | drive pinion |
langoustier | crayfish boat |
large | open sea |
largeur | beam |
largue | reach |
(au) largue | reaching |
latitude | latitude |
latte | batten |
strip | |
latte à trou | strip with holes (e.g. chain-plate) |
leger | light |
légèrement venteux | breezy |
lent | slow |
lest | ballast (weight) |
lesté | ballasted |
lever du soleil | sunrise |
libre-pratique | pratique |
lieutenant | lieutenant |
ligne | line |
ligne d'arrivée | finishing line |
ligne de départ | starting line |
ligne de flottaison | waterline |
lisse de pavois | taff-rail |
liston | (rubbing) strake |
livarde | sprit |
livre de bord | log(book) |
ship's log | |
locale | local |
location | hire |
rental | |
loch | log |
lofer | head up |
luff | |
round up | |
Loire | Loire |
longueur (hors-tout) | (overall) length |
longueur (de) coque | hull length |
longueur (de) flottaison | waterline length |
longitude | longitude |
louer | hire |
rent | |
lougre | lugger |
(vieux) loup de mer | (old) sea dog |
lourd | heavy (humid) |
louvoyer | tack |
loyer | rental |
lumineux | beam (light) |
Madère | Madeira |
maintenir sa route | stand on |
maître d'équipage | boatswain |
bosun | |
maître nageur | lifeguard |
maître voilier | sailmaker |
mal de mer | seasickness |
(avoir) (le) mal de mer | be seasick |
manche | handle |
leg (course) | |
Manche | (English) Channel |
manchon | ferrule |
manille | manilla |
shackle | |
manivelle | handle |
marais barométrique | shallow low |
marée basse | low tide |
marée montante | rising tide |
marée descendante | ebb tide |
falling tide | |
marée haute | high tide |
marée | tide |
marin | marine |
mariner | |
sailor | |
(de) marin(s) | seafaring |
marin d'eau douce | landlubber |
marine de guerre | navy |
marine marchande | merchant navy |
marine nationale | (French/national) navy |
maritime | maritime |
marque (bouéé) | mark |
marque (pavillon) | ensign |
masse isolée | insulated return |
mât | mast |
mât de charge | mast crane |
mât de flèche | topmast |
mât de misaine | foremast |
matelot | sailor |
matelot breveté | able seaman |
matelotage | rigging |
ropework | |
mauvais | bad |
poor | |
mauvais temps | bad weather |
mécanicien | engineer |
météo | (weather) forecast |
weather report | |
membre | rib |
membrure | rib |
menace (de) | risk (of) |
mer | sea |
(en) mer | offshore |
mer agitée | rough sea |
mer hachée | confused/choppy sea |
Mer Adriatique | Adriatic (Sea) |
Mer des Antilles | Caribbean (Sea) |
Mer Baltique | Baltic (Sea) |
Mer des Caraïbes | Caribbean (Sea) |
Mer Caspienne | Caspian (Sea) |
Mer de Corail | Coral Sea |
Mer Ionienne | Ionian (Sea) |
Mer d'Irlande | Irish Sea |
Mer Méditerranée | Mediterranean (Sea) |
Mer Morte | Dead Sea |
Mer Noire | Black Sea |
Mer du Nord | North Sea |
Mer Rouge | Red Sea |
Mer des Sargasses | Sargasso Sea |
Mer du Sud | South Seas |
Mer Tyrrénhienne | Tyrrhenian Sea |
méridien | meridian |
(se) mettre à quai | dock |
mettre à la cape | heave to> |
mettre le cap sur | head for |
steer for | |
mille de mer | nautical mile |
mille nautique | nautical mile |
minute | minute (of arc) |
(se) modérant | moderating |
modéré | moderate |
mollissant | moderating |
à mont | up-river |
upstream | |
montée | rise |
morte-eau | neap tide |
moteur | engine |
motor | |
moteur diesel | diesel engine |
moteur à essence | petrol engine |
mouillage | anchorage |
mooring | |
mouette | (sea)gull |
mouiller | anchor |
drop anchor | |
moor | |
mousqueton | hank |
mousqueton automatique | snap shackle |
mousson | monsoon |
mouton | white horse |
moutonneux | choppy |
nager | row |
swim | |
naufrage | shipwreck |
naufragé | castaway |
navigateur | navigator |
navigation | sailing |
navigation à l'estime | dead reckoning |
naviguer | navigate |
sail | |
naviguer au moteur | motor |
navire | ship |
navire de commerce | merchant ship |
navire de combat | warship |
navire de guerre | warship |
navire à voile | sailing ship |
neige | snow |
neige fondue | sleet |
nid de pie | crow's nest |
nimbus | nimbus |
niveau de la mer | sea level |
niveau moyen | mean (sea) level |
noeud (cordage) | bend |
knot | |
hitch | |
noeud (vitesse) | knot |
noeud carrick | carrick knot |
noeud de cabestan | clove hitch |
noeud de pêcheur | fisherman's knot |
noeud de vache | granny knot |
noeud découte | sheet bend |
noeud en demi-clé | half hitch |
noeud en huit | figure of eight |
noeud plat | reef knot |
non-lesté | unballasted |
nord | North |
nord géographique | true North |
nord magnétique | magnetic North |
nord-est | North-East |
nord-nord-est | North-North-East |
nord-nord-ouest | North-North-West |
nord-ouest | North-West |
noyer | drown |
nuage | cloud |
nuageux | cloudy |
nuit | night |
nuit tombante | dusk |
nylon | nylon |
occasionnel | occasional |
océan | ocean |
Océan Antarctique | Antarctic Ocean |
Océan Arctique | Arctic Ocean |
Océan Atlantique | Atlantic (Ocean) |
Océan Austral | Antarctic Ocean |
Océan Boréal | Arctic Ocean |
Océan Indien | Indian Ocean |
Océan Pacifique | Pacific (Ocean) |
oeil | (rope) eye |
oeuvres mortes | topsides |
oeuvres vives | underside |
officier | officer |
officier de course | race officer |
officier de sauvetage | rescue officer |
officier marinier | petty officer |
offshore | offshore |
orage (avec des éclairs) | electrical storm |
thunderstorm | |
orageux | thundery |
orage magnétique | magnetic storm |
(s')orientant | becoming |
ouragan | hurricane |
ouest | West |
Pacifique | Pacific (Ocean) |
pagaie | paddle |
pagayer | paddle |
palan | tackle |
palan de garde | vang |
palan de retenue | vang |
pale (hélice) | blade |
panneau | panel |
panneau de pont | hatch |
papiers de/dus bateau | ship's papers |
paquebot | liner |
parallèle (circuit) | parallel |
parallèle (gégraphie) | parallel |
pare-battage | fender |
partir | start (race) |
pass-coque | sea-cock |
passer une bouée | round (mark) |
passerelle | gangplank |
gangway | |
passerelle (de commandement) | bridge |
pataras | back stay |
patte | fluke |
patte de bouline | cringle |
pavillon | bunting |
ensign | |
flag | |
pavillon de courtoisie | courtesy flag |
pêche | fishing |
pelote | hank (rope) |
péniche | barge |
lighter | |
péninsule | peninsula |
pennon | pennant |
tell-tale | |
permission à terre | shore leave |
perroquet | t'gallant |
topgallant | |
perturbation | disturbance |
petit largue | close reach |
(au) petit largue | close reaching |
petit tirant d'eau | shallow draft |
shallow draught | |
(un) peu | slight |
peu profond | shallow |
phare | lighthouse |
pièce détachée | spare part |
pied (mesure) | foot |
pile | battery |
pile | battery |
pignon d'attaque | drive pinion |
piloter | navigate |
pinceau | beam (light) |
plage | beach |
plaisance | pleasure sailing |
plaisancier | amateur sailor |
pleasure sailor | |
plan de voilure | sail plan |
planche | plank |
planche à voile | sailboard |
wind surfer | |
(au) plein | high and dry |
plat-bord | gunwale |
pleine mer | high tide |
high water | |
pleuvoir | rain |
plonger | dive |
pluie | rain |
poids | (displacement) weight |
point (terre) | point |
spit | |
point d'accostage | landing place |
point d'amure | tack (sail) |
point d'écoute | clew |
point estimé | estimated position |
point de route | waypoint |
point de tire | attachment point (sheet) |
pointe | nail (rust-less) |
pointe de rosée | dewpoint |
poix | pitch |
polacre | polacre |
pôle | pole |
Pôle Nord | North Pole |
Pôle Sud | South Pole |
polyamide | nylon |
polyester | polyester |
polypropylène | polypropylene |
pompe | pump |
pompe de cale | bilge pump |
poncer | sand (rub) |
pont | deck |
pont continu | flush deck |
pont de diodes | rectifier |
pont de l'équipage | forecastle |
pont tournant | swing bridge |
ponton | hulk |
pontoon | |
port (quai) | harbour |
port (village) | port |
port d'échouage | drying port |
port de commerce | commercial port |
port de pêche | fishing harbour |
port de pêche | fishing port |
port de plaisance | yacht harbour |
portance | lift |
(au) portant | before the wind |
porte-balais | (electric) brush holder |
portique roulant | boat-hoist |
poste d'amarrage | mooring |
poste d'équipage | forecastle |
pot au noir | doldrums |
Intertropical Convergence Zone | |
pouce | inch |
poulie | block |
pulley | |
poupe | stern |
poupée | warping drum |
premier secours | first aid |
préchauffage (diesel) | pre-heating |
précipitation | precipitation |
première categorie (voilier) | offshore category |
prendre un ris dans une voile | reef |
(au) près | beating |
close-hauled | |
président (club nautique) | commodore |
presqu'île | peninsula |
pression | pressure |
prévisions météorologiques | (weather) forecast |
prioritaire | stand-on (priority) |
proche de littoral | offshore |
profond | deep |
profondeur | depth |
projection de Mercator | Mercator projection |
promontoire | headland |
promontory | |
proue | prow |
PTE (Petit Tirant d'Eau) | shallow draft |
shallow draught | |
puissance (électrique) | power |
puissance (moteur) | power |
puits de dérive | centre/dagger-board casing |
Au niveau Français-Anglais Dictionnaire de Navigation
Last Update: 11th January 2025