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These files generate OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) service specifications in LOTOS. Both connection-less and connection-oriented services are handled. See Template-based specification in LOTOS and Relating Architecture and Specification for more details. Be warned that macros in this package are very intricate! The work embedded in this package has essentially been superseded by SAGE (Service Attribute Generator).
As an example, consider a connection-oriented service with the following characteristics:
ConReq (Addr1, Addr2) ConInd (Addr1, Addr2) ConRsp (Addr) ConCnf (Addr)
DatReq (Data) DatInd (Data)
ExpReq (Data) ExpInd (Data)
DisReq () DisInd ()
The BASIL description required to define this service is as follows:
include(basil.m4) divert co_serv_spec( CO, ConReq(Addr1,Addr2) ConInd(Addr1,Addr2) ConRsp(Addr) ConCnf(Addr) DatReq(Data) DatInd(Data) ExpReq(Data) ExpInd(Data) DisReq() DisInd() )
BASIL is free software, distributed under the GNU Public License Version 2. You may re-distribute this software provided you preserve this README file. The contents of this package may be used freely for non-commercial purposes provided this README file and copyright notices are retained. Copyright remains with the author. No warranties are given as to the accuracy or suitability of this package.
First public version Ken Turner, 05/06/96
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