Computing Science and Mathematics
Virtual Graduation Day 2021

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, this year's graduation ceremony was cancelled/postponed. As a little celebration and an opportunity for the division to congratulate our graduates and prize winners, we held a virtual graduation and prize-giving ceremony on Microsoft Teams. All of the awards and prizes are listed below, together with screenshots of the graduates and staff who were able to attend our Teams ceremony. You can click on an image to get the full resolution version.

The following videos are also available to view:

  • A short film from the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Gerry McCormac, and the University Chancellor, the Rt Hon Lord Jack McConnell.
  • A short message from a few university staff members.
  • The full recording (39m 54s) of our Teams Virtual Graduation, 2021.

We hope to see all of our graduates in person at a suitable event in the future.

Congratulations to all of our graduates and prize winners.

30.06.2021 - Computing Science and Mathematics Graduates

Professor Carron Shankland kicks off proceedings from the comfort of her home office...

Doctor of Philosophy

Abder-Rahman Ali
Abdulrahman Alqarafi
Sarah Louise Thomson

BSc (Hons) Applied Computing

Charlie Argent
Harry Beggs
Michael Lemetti
Caroline Louise McCouat
Usman Qayoum
Courtney Reid
John Mariano Ritch
Max Ritchie
Fraser Robertson
Connor Scrimgeour
Brandon Sinclair
Darren Stewart
Pavel Todorov
Ernest Roxan Olivier Vanmosuinck
Robert Michael Weld

BSc (Hons) Business Computing

Avedon Maramba

BSc (Hons) Computing Science

Venkat Sai Akash Ala
Zhijian Dai
Michael Dempster
Ewan Lewis Donaldson
Rachel Finlay
Margarita Fogou
Thomas James Hugh Gillespie
Christopher Hodgson
Joshua Stephen Peter Lyons
Hristo Marinov
Mark James McAllister
Niles McCrystal
William Edward O’Neill
Filip Christian Olsson
John Matthew Poole
Manjinder Singh
Caitlin Liselle Stewart
Anastasia Vanakari
Mate Vasvary
Stephen Phillip Walker
Peter Webb
Sara Andrew Wilson
Andrei Ziureaev

BSc (Hons) Software Engineering

Jon Law
Jessica Maxwell
Daniel Rooney
Titirat Seeharach
Viktor Slavov

BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics

Logan Dylan Campbell
Ewan Lewis
Keri Della Parsons
Madeleine Louisa Reid
Hannah Beth Trotter
Lucy Elizabeth White

BSc (Hons) Mathematics

Benjamin Martin
Sarat Roy
Kayley Carole Blair Smith

BSc (Hons) Mathematics and its Applications

Hamish Watt

BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Professional Education (Secondary)

Ross Bourhill Campbell
Jasmine Kelly Mackillop
Isla Catherine McIntyre
Megan Grace Smith
Hannah Mary Frances Stewart
Katie Watterson

BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Education

Craig Alexander Reid

BSc (Hons) Environmental Science and Mathematics

Aikaterini Eleftheriou

BAcc (Hons) Accountancy and Mathematics

Emiley Munro

BA (Hons) Economics and Mathematics

Jesse Akindele
James Stewart Douglas
Jorge Gonzalez Molinero

BA (Hons) Finance and Mathematics

George Finlay Clough

Computing Science and Mathematics Prize Winners 2020-21

Computing Science Prizes

Excellent Performance

Christopher Peter Arnott (1st Year)
Callum Hunter (1st Year)
Cameron Johnston McKimm (2nd Year)
Tamas Gergo Nayhazi (2nd Year)
Petter Erik Samuel Sandås (2nd Year)
Giancarlo Antonino Pasquale Ignazio Catalano (2nd Year)
Francesca Mirandola (2nd Year)
Benedek Tatar (3rd Year)
Alessio Cimaglia (3rd Year)
Michael Lough (3rd Year)
Viktor Slavov (4th Year)
William Edward O'Neill (4th Year)
Christopher Hodgson (4th Year)

BCS membership (for excellent performance in 4th year)

Viktor Slavov
William Edward O'Neill
Christopher Hodgson
John Matthew Poole
Filip Christian Olsson

Computing Science prize nominations

Viktor Slavov (ScotlandIS Young Software Engineer of the Year)

Faculty Prize for Research-based Learning (Computing Science)

Manjinder Singh

Certificates of merit went to:

Camilla Anoè (1st year)
Bettina Bonfanti (1st year)
Michael Cairns (1st year)
Nicola Campbell (1st year)
Eline Haak (1st year)
Conran Jeffrey (1st year)
Malaika Schmit (1st year)
Lisa Stevenson (1st year)
Josh Hartley (2nd year)
Adam Hassan (2nd year)
Dion Kadriu (2nd year)
Laura Leiper (2nd year)
Hugh MacNally (2nd year)
Kara Quast (2nd year)
Dylan Bonner (3rd year)
Connor McKirdy (3rd year)
Jorge Luis Mendez Hulett (3rd year)
Mark Sharpe (3rd year)

Mathematics Prizes

Outstanding Performance

Daniel Farrow (1st year)
Kyra Fenech (1st year)
Drew Patterson (1st year)
Melina Mueller (2nd year)

IMA Membership - for outstanding performance in mathematics course

Craig Alexander Reid
Logan Dylan Campbell

4th Year Students

Benjamin Martin - for increased maturity in mathematics
Kayley Carole Blair Smith - for continued perseverance under extreme circumstances

FK Bell prize

In memory of Francis Bell, who was a lecturer in Mathematics.
Prize for most improved student in 3rd year.

Linnea Uhlin Boo

Kate Howie award

In memory of Kate Howie, who was a teaching fellow in Mathematics.
Best 4th year student in statistics modules.

Madeleine Louise Reid

Faculty Prize for Research-based Learning (Mathematics)

Madeleine Louise Reid

Speeches on behalf of our students

Delivered by Lucy Elizabeth White (Mathematics) and Anastasia Vanakari (Computing Science)

And finally, here's everyone who turned on their camera at the end of the ceremony.

Connect with Computing Science and Mathematics

Division of
Computing Science and Mathematics

Computing Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling FK9 4LA
Scotland UK

+44 01786 467421

X: @csmstir
Facebook: StirUniCSM