Computing Science and Mathematics
Useful Staff Links
The following is a collection of links which might be of use to CS&M staff members. Most of the links below will require some sort of authorisation and not all of these links will be available to all members of staff. If there are links missing that you feel should be placed here, or you are denied access to a link that you feel you should have access to, please make your suggestion/complaint known.
Staff Resources - Staff Resources Page
Safety, Health and Environment - Safety, Health and Environment information for staff
E-Mail - CS&M web-based e-mail (SquirrelMail)
Email Lists - CS&M mailing lists
COSMoS - Computing Science and Mathematics Skill Sharing
Student Transitions - the student journey trough Stirling University
Student Transitions Map - Exploring the student journey - promoting the skills & support for success
University Insurance - general information about the University's insurance policies

Computing Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling