Computing Science and Mathematics
Current Student Information
Degrees and Modules
Degrees - Available undergraduate and postgraduate degrees
Course Modules - Computing Science and Mathematics undergraduate and postgraduate course modules
Canvas - University of Stirling Canvas modules and resources
Study Abroad - Opportunities for honours undergraduates in Computing Science and Mathemtics
CS&M Prizes - CS&M Student Prizes
Undergraduate Student Handbook (PDF)
- A guide to the Division, UG programmes, assessment procedures, and study skills
Research Student Guide (PDF) - The guide for departmental research students
The Little Book of Plagiarism (PDF) - Offers advice on what plagiarism is and how to avoid it
The Little Book of Academic Misconduct (PDF) - Offers advice on what constitutes academic misconduct
Integrity and Misconduct - University policy on academic integrity and misconduct
Advice and Support
Advising Teams - Advising Teams for Computing Science and Mathematics
Student Services Hub - University's Student Services Hub
Laptop Loans - The University Library has a number of laptop loan options available to students
Extenuating Circumstances - Consideration of a student's extenuating circumstances
Safety, Health and Environment - Safety, Health and Environment information for students
Student Transitions - The student journey trough Stirling University
Student Transitions Map - Exploring the student journey - promoting the skills & support for success
Exam Hints - Some hints on exam technique
CS&M Labs - Information regarding use of Computing Science and Mathematics labs
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
CSG - Computing Support Group
Student E-Mail - University Student Web Mail (Office365)
Office 365 - Free Microsoft software for the duration of your study at Stirling

Computing Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling