Computing Science and Mathematics
Prospective Student Information
Take advantage of Stirling's unrivalled
flexibility and choice of degree programmes

Undergraduate Programmes
BSc degrees in Computing
- Business Computing
- Computing Science
- Data Science
- Graduate Apprenticeship in Data Science
- Software Development with Cyber Security
- Software Engineering
BSc degrees in Mathematics
Undergraduate students within Computing Science and Mathematics also have the opportunity to study abroad for part of their degree course with the Study Abroad and Exchange Programmes.
Computing Science Degrees
Undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Computing Science at Stirling University have been accredited by the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.
Mathematics Degrees
The BSc (Hons) Mathematics and BSc (Hons) Applied Mathematics degrees have been accredited by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA).

Computing Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling