Computing Science and Mathematics
Industrial Liaison
Summer Projects with Masters Students

Students on our MSc. programs all carry out a three month dissertation project from June to August, at the end of their studies. It can be of great benefit to the students if their project involves working on a project for an external organisation. Students can carry out a project in partnership with an external organisation. This might be in industry, public sector or the third sector, for example. Projects can take the form of internships (paid or unpaid) where the student works at the partner organisation or consultancy style work where the student has regular meetings with the partner but carries out the work at the University. All students are supervised by a member of academic staff and are expected to be able to visit the University several times during the project to receive supervision.
You can download an information sheet about the projects.
If you would like to be involved with any of the above, please contact Kevin Swingler: kevin.swingler(at)

Computing Science and Mathematics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling