Giancarlo Catalano

a picture of Giancarlo Catalano

Hello! I am an MPhil student, with my project being "ENDS: Explainability of Non-Deterministic Solvers", under the supervision of Sandy Brownlee. I graduated from the University of Stirling in 2019 in Computer Science & Mathematics, and started my postgraduate position in the summer of 2023.
My research consists in making population-based algorithms (Evolutionary Algorithms etc) more explainable, in particular by providing the user with more understandable results to work with.
The project is done in collaboration with BT, as they use population based algorithms to decide employee rota patterns, and would like to be able to interpret and trust the results of their systems.

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Division of
Computing Science and Mathematics

Computing Science and Mathematics

Faculty of Natural Sciences
University of Stirling
Stirling FK9 4LA
Scotland UK

+44 01786 467421

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