X10 Tutorial Section Header

How Does X10 Work?

A signal is sent out via the X10 command interface. This is transmitted along every internal power line within the house, where it is then received by all X10 modules that are plugged into a wall socket.

To allow many X10 devices to be used within the house at once, a way to distinguish each device is required. This is accomplished by setting up each module with a unique individual identification code.

The identification code is broken down into two components: the house code which uses a single letter ranging from A to P, and the unit code which uses a number between 1 and 16.

Example of x10 module code interface

An identification code can be set on an X10 module by rotating the two selectors on the front of the module as shown above. By combining the letter code and number code, this gives a user 256 possible combinations, meaning that 256 individual X10 devices could be fitted and controlled within the home or business. This should be more than enough for a typical household.

