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The University Of Dundee is working on what is known as Lifestyle Modelling as part of the MATCH Project. This is an important area of research in relation to the Home Care System which MATCH is developing. Lifestyle Modelling provides a way for the system to understand what is going on within the home environment.

The first area of research is called Sensor Networks. A Sensor Network is a network of different sensor devices within a home care environment to provide feedback on a user's daily life. This section explains what sensors Dundee is using and how they work. A demonstration is also provided, based on the test home that Dundee has been developing.

The second area of research is based on the feedback supplied from a Sensor Network. This is known as Sensor Output Analysis. It is important that all the valuable test data received from a sensor network is processed and then analysed. The aim of this work is to visualise and then model the user's lifestyle, allowing the system to help where possible.

The third area of Dundee' work is the design of Dramatization to discover requirements for home care. The dramatizations are designed to demonstrate what the project aims to do by playing through different scenarios. This also allows the target audience to express opinions on the technology to those involved with the project.

To discover more about the technologies that are available for Lifestyle Modelling and what the University of Dundee is doing on MATCH, use the menu on the sidebar to view simple tutorials on each topic.

Alternatively you can click the Continue arrow below to go straight to the first Lifestyle Modelling technology.

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