X10 Tutorial Section Header

Advantages / Disadvantages Of X10


  • The equipment is inexpensive, available through mail order or in specialist electrical shops.
  • It is simple.
  • No new or specialised wiring is required - perfect for addition to existing buildings.
  • It is simple to install - no need for qualified engineers or professionals.
  • It can control up to 256 devices at any one time.
  • There is a huge and growing product range.
  • It is proven - the technology has been around for over 20 years, with millions of users in the USA and other countries.


  • It is not suitable as a safety device. Switching a device off via X10 doesn't necessarily mean the device is now isolated from the power supply since the X10 module is still live.
  • The X10 protocol does not include any form of error analysis. If two X10 controllers send a signal to a device at one time, they may interfere with each other and neither command may be carried out.
  • There is a time delay in sending signals - up to one second.
  • Other electrical devices in the house can create interference on the power lines, which may prevent X10 signals being received by modules.
  • It doesn't allow more complex forms of communication, e.g. selecting a channel on a television.

