Speech Recognition - Speech Synthesis Section Header Image

Possible Uses for Speech Synthesis

Speech Synthesis offers many possibilities. Many devices feature the ability to recognise speech, so it would be useful if the device could communicate in return.

Speech and Language technology comes into its own when dealing with those who have visual impairments. Modern screen readers allow someone with a visual impairment to adapt to using a home computer or laptop after a little practice.

There are also a number of commercial considerations when looking at Speech Synthesis. It is far cheaper and more efficient for a computer system to generate speech than it is for a number of users to read predetermined text and then record the conversation. An example of this would be audio books which are often used by the blind. Speech also conveys a lot of detail concisely, and is useful for alarm and warning systems where accurate data can be passed quickly.

Applications to Home Care

Speech synthesis can be used to read all kinds of text and messages in the home care domain. It can provide the voice for Spoken Dialogue Systems, deliver messages about the status of the home (e.g. 'the heating is on'), or remind people that they are due to leave for a medical appointment.

Speech can be delivered via loudspeakers or headphones. Thanks to advances in technology, the voice and the accent of each system can be tailored to the preferences of the user. For example, the system might speak with a resonant bass male voice or a friendly female voice. It is possible to use different voices for different systems. For example, home status messages could be delivered by a serious alto voice, while reminders could spoken by a pleasant soprano.
