Applications to Home Care
The main aim of analysing sensor output is to develop the software required by a home care system to understand what the sensors are telling it. Analysing this data can create visualisations of the user's lifestyle. This lifestyle can be compared over a period of weeks, months or even years. Over time, we can gain a greater understanding of the user's lifestyle.
One interesting aspect of the Home Care System is the development of a prediction tool derived from the probability data that is calculated. If the system could predict future events with relative certainty, then it may prove to be a lifesaver. This idea does seem to be rather far-fetched, but consider the example of analysing a user's health. If the system notices a gradual decline in a person's routine over time, maybe the user is lying in for long periods of time in the morning and is not moving around the house as much. The system could then work out the probability of something being wrong and suggest further action, e.g. arrange for a nurse or doctor to visit.